Lucky Buck Store items sought

If Sandy Clothes and his 12 teensy rain dears left you things under der Tannenbaum this year to leave you going, “Oh yah, dis cool! … (psst – Mable! … what dis is?)” The answer might be you received an item that was meant for the Boundary Community Restorium’s Lucky Buck Store.

Games, books, toys, arts and craft supplies, gift cards, soaps and shampoos, socks and slippers, scarves or caps, cards and candies … nearly anything new or slightly used, useful and/or fanciful and fun is welcome.

You see, the Restorium Lucky Buck Store isn’t just any store … it’s far more. The currency is kindness, the price is participation. Residents can buy things in the Restorium Lucky Buck Store, but to do so they must win Lucky Bucks, only available by participating in games and activities, by having fun!

Lucky Buck Store items are also used as prizes for many of the community activities held at the Restorium.

To arrange dropping off donations or to learn more, call Robbi at (208) 597-0643.