Sauter will seek to keep on serving

By Mark Sauter

Mark SauterIt’s been nearly two years since a couple of friends called and encouraged me to run for the state legislature. It’s been a good learning and working experience. I believe we have made some positive steps for our community, but there is more to do. I want to continue my role in the process. I have decided to run for the Idaho House of Representatives, Seat 1A, next spring.

I ran as a Republican with a conservative platform to support our community and way of life in our district. My campaign message and flyers contained the bullet points I stood/stand for. Support education, committed to a comprehensive review of our taxes (especially property taxes), stand for public safety, and ensure our business environment remained attractive. I also promoted the need for improved career technical education for our students and communities.

I knew I had a lot to learn and prepared myself for it. Every day has been a learning opportunity. I have learned a great deal more about our District and the needs and interests of our voters by attending public events and meetings and participating whenever possible. Our healthcare system is one important example. We have a sizable population of residents who utilize Medicare and Medicaid insurance. Half of those depending on Medicaid are children. The funding for both these programs directly funds our healthcare providers, not individual residents.

Earlier this year, in the 2023 legislative session, we were successful in passing some property tax relief, improving funding for schools and investing in our state. We improved state support of career technical education programs by improving a program called Launch for 2024 high school graduates with an interest in in-demand careers. Launch helps our kids, families, communities and business.

We passed balanced budgets for our state services as required and supported prioritized improvements. We were fortunate to have the revenue to make such investments.

It’s been said that government should be boring. After all, our families, healthcare system, education community and businesses have many other issues to focus on. Our residents depend on our state to provide a foundation of services they can count on. We all support this foundation with our tax dollars and our community service. Its also our responsibility to allocate these funds wisely, with an eye on the future.

It is our duty to our state to constantly re-evaluate the condition of our foundational systems and services. We need to support and modify our systems as new events and issues arise. I want to continue to be involved in this process.

We have had success. Idaho is an attractive place to live, raise a family and work. I know that with persistent effort, we can maintain what we have and continue to improve. Its an honor serve our community as one of the elected representatives.

Serving our community is part of the fabric of our country. I’m running for office again to continue my service. I have the experience in the capitol, the leadership skills and the community relationships to responsibly represent our district.

I’m asking for the support of our voters so that I may continue to serve them.

We are all aware of the potential for “turbulence” during the campaign season, and my ask of our voters is that they reach out to me directly if they have questions or comments. The upcoming legislative session starts in early January and runs until the end of March. I will be available via email and phone. I plan to return home often on weekends for meet and greets and to attend events.

I can be reached at or (208) 332-1035 during session.