My name is Chuck Lowman. I’m asking for your vote on May 21 to serve as your representative in the Idaho House of Representatives for District 1-B. In running for this office, my goal is to serve my community and work hard to protect your God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
My life of service started early in the Boy Scouts, achieving the Eagle Scout award, and has continued in Christian missions throughout Africa, the middle and far-east. I served in the active-duty Army for over 10 years, deploying for 39 months to combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. We came home to Idaho in 2019 and have since sought to serve our community in many ways.
There are a lot of issues facing North Idaho. I firmly believe that respectful, truth-focused dialogue is one of the most important things we can do to combat the division so common in politics these days. My focus is on these three areas: Education, Economy, and an efficient Government which stewards our tax money well.
Parents are the primary educator in the home, and I want to ensure that the best resources are available to help parents prepare their children to be contributing members of our community. I firmly believe that our public schools play an important role in preparing all children to be participating members of our republic form of government. Our rural schools, though, struggle to provide for the needs of our students when compared to the schools in our large population centers. It is clearly the duty of the Legislature to ensure that our public schools are General, Uniform, and Free for students.
Idaho needs to become a leader in innovation, infrastructure, and small-scale agro-industries. This can be accomplished through smart policies, like reducing unnecessary restrictions, that encourage and foster growth while allowing the free market to do what it does best. The goal is to make Idaho self-sufficient and successful.
An efficient, limited government is necessary for a safe, secure and properly functioning society as well as to ensure the people’s God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Idaho is growing fast, yet essential services like police, fire and schools have not seen the consummate level of support necessary to achieve their mission.
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