Sunday a great day for shooting

Dean Nelson, Bill Bustillos
Dean Nelson and Bill Bustillos

Dean Nelson took A Class 43/50, and Bill Bustillos took B Class 35/50 on Sunday — it was a great day to be shooting.

The A-Class:
Dean Nelson 43/50
Melanie Campbell 42/50
Charley Runnion 41/50
Ron Campbell 38/50
Kristie Campbell 35/50

Bill Bustillos 35/50
Mike Pruitt 33/50
Amanda Myers 30/50
Dennis Smith 29/50
Gene Frederickson 26/50
Jerry Schilling 25/25
Micheal Compton did not shoot.

Great shooting everyone!! Annie Oakleys were as fun as always!

Week six results for the Claybusters.

Garrick Patty took the high score award this week with 39/50. Congratulations, Garrick, good shooting!

Individual scores:
Joe Campbell.30/50
Charlotte Holman 25/50
Linus Holman 35/50
Sebastian Holman 30/50
Trenton Myers 33/50
Cora Nichols 29/50
Noah Nichols 32/50
Kelsey Noble 19/50
Garrick Patty 39/50

The Duke’s Claybusters are just past the halfway point in this winter league. They are holding steady and gaining momentum to finish strong.