No barrier based on color, creed, or religion shall stand

North Idaho RepublicansToday, and every day, North Idaho Republicans (NIR) denounces all forms of racism and bigotry. Malicious harassment, under the guise of free speech, undermines the very liberties we claim to defend. North Idaho Republicans believes in the freedom to enjoy our beautiful surroundings — to live, work, raise a family, or even attend a basketball tournament.

Recent events in downtown Coeur d’Alene, involving the totally unacceptable verbal harassment of female athletes from the University of Utah and the University of California-Irvine, underscore the importance of the need to commit to uphold moral values and true freedom.

NIR firmly disavows these flashbacks of 1920s Klan-like and 1990s Aryan Nations-like activities, underscoring that genuine freedom cannot coexist with bigotry, harassment, and intimidation. Unfortunately, once again the destructive influence of some within the local Republican community is having truly negative effects on our community.

North Idaho Republicans asserts that there is no place for such individuals in Republican politics. Their involvement has not only damaged the community’s reputation but has also strayed far from the Republican Party’s core principles and is damaging the Party itself.

Former Idaho Lt. Governor Jack Riggs voiced his concern, stating, “The empowerment of racism within our ranks threatens the very essence of our community and the integrity of the Republican Party. This issue transcends political allegiances, challenging us to uphold what is clearly right over wrong.”

“As Republicans, we must do more than merely point to ‘platform statements’ on racism; we must act decisively to root it out where it exists within our organization,” Riggs added. “This means holding our party leaders accountable and ensuring that their actions reflect the values we profess to hold. There is simply no place for racism anywhere.”

As the Republican Party of Kootenai County and Idaho moves forward, it must rededicate itself to the inclusive values championed by Abraham Lincoln, ensuring no barrier based on color, creed, or religion stands in the way of individual and God-given inalienable rights.

North Idaho Republicans (NIR) is a regional association of longtime local Republicans, a group with traditional conservative Republican values, like those embodied by Ronald Reagan. North Idaho Republicans support candidates based on demonstrated competence and high ethical standards.