Two legislative candidates forums set

Idaho District 1congressional candidates are set to appear at one of two forums scheduled at Covenant Bible Church, 56 Plato Drive at Three Mile, both at 6 p.m.

On Tuesday, May 7, District 1B candidates Chuck Lowman and Cornel Rasor, both seeking to fill the seat vacated by Sage Dixon, will introduce themselves, discuss issues and answer questions.

Legislative District 1A candidates Spencer Hutchings, Jane Sauter, and incubent Mark Sauter are scheduled to appear Monday, May 13. As of this writing, the only candidate who hasn’t confirmed is Mark Sauter.

In addition, local sheriff candidates have been invited to attend both forums and will be given five minutes to present their main issues and a few minutes to answer questions.

One thought on “Two legislative candidates forums set

  1. Thanks, Mike, for getting the information out about the 3-mile Forums May 7th and May13th! We are hoping to get more interaction between candidates to better understand what they will be basing their discissions on if they are elected to office.

    Steve Tanner

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