Naples seeking kindergarteners … so are Valley View and Mt. Hall

From the movie "Kindergarten Cop"
From the movie “Kindergarten Cop”

By Mike Weland

Naples Elementary Principal Robin Merrifield emailed today asking that I help spread word that each of Boundary County School District 101’s three elementary schools are accepting not only new kindergarteners for the school year starting in September, but students in all grades, and she added, “❤️ We would LOVE to have your kindergartener join us at Naples in the fall!”

Recognizing a golden opportunity when I see it, I replied, “Am I too old to apply? I can keep my cubby tidy and play well with others!”

I did not mention I can hang up my coat, scarf and mittens by myself lest I be considered over-qualified and told to try Sandpoint or something.

“I love it!” Mrs. Merrifield responded. “We need all the kids (and kids at heart) that we can get!”

That sealed it for me. I will be at Valley View Elementary, 6770 Augusta Street, Bonners Ferry, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, May 17. for in-person enrollment in the Naples Kindergarten Class of 2024-25. And I have every intention of graduating in 2025 Summa Cum Laude, if only someone, an adult in good repute and high community standing, preferably, would just go to my house and find my stupid birth certificate and immunization record and pry me out of this teeny little desk!

You won’t be able to miss me. I’ll be the pouty kid with a runny nose in purple pants and bright green shirt with the physique of a 250-pound garden gnome and the Beatles lunchbox, crying my eyes out, blowing profuse nose bubbles and plaintively mewling for mom to take me home.

No, Mrs. Merrifield. I will not trade you my PBJ for your Snackable and two Capri Suns. I don’t know … what happens when you illegally park a frog? You get toad?! Bwaaa ha ha ha! It’s recess! … I call dibs on the good swing! … snore

Huh ? Ahem. Sorry … must have nodded off! Where were we? … oh yeah:

“We are excited to know who our new kindergarten students will be in Fall 2024,” the Valley View website reads for enrollment day for all Boundary County Elementary Schools, each of them excellent.

“Please complete the following information:

“We look forward to meeting you in person. Please attend registration in person May 17th from 10:00 – 2:00 at Valley View Elementary. Please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunization records to the registration or to the school prior to school starting in September 2024.”

Naples Elementary is open to parents interested in seeing what Boundary County’s sole magnet school has to offer; stop in for a tour between 7:45 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and Valley View and Mt. Hall administrators are certain to offer the same courtesy.

To learn more, call Naples  Elementary, (208) 267-2956, Valley View at (208) 267-5519, or Mt. Hall, (208) 267-5276.