Beartaria may be for sale

It’s too early to be sure, but it appears Boundary County may get a reprieve from a potential challenge to its land use law. In a live podcast released on Rumble Monday afternoon, crowd-funding land developer “Big Bear” Owen Benjamin let slip he may sell the 10-acre haven he owns on the Moyie River off Earl Lane.

For the past two years, Benjamin has largely focused his attention on property acquired in Missouri, but in May he began speaking in his daily podcast to his followers, called “bears,” about holding events on the Moyie River property, talking specifically of a two band concert, possibly in June.

While June has gone and went, Benjamin speaks for less than two minutes, excerpted here,

Owen is beginning to spin selling “Ursa Rio” (something us gammas have predicted for ages)
byu/Crumplove inowenbenjamin

about midway through a nearly three-hour podcast about Beartaria, saying they could still hold a summer event here, but …

“We’ve been focusing so much on the Ozarks because of the neighbor situation, and the county and the media, and guys, maybe we sell it and put it all toward Ozarks,” he said. “I don’t know, I don’t want to, though, I don’t want to sell it … it’s like I’m giving up or quitting and it’s so beautiful, there’s so many great memories, we still use it, it’s just that some of those road blocks are just crazy that we hit … I just didn’t expect … but that’s on the table, I mean we could possibly do that down the line … if it went up in value, obviously I’d put all of it into another Beartaria … at what point do you say you’re not wanted there or something?”

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