Won’t you please think of Amy … give for my birthday!

By Mike Weland

Amy Leach
Amy Leach

My birthday is coming up August 29, and what I’d like this year are donations with which to buy a good set of commercial grade professional cookware for the Bonners Ferry Senior Hospitality Center. It’s just heartbreaking to see center chef Amy Leach toiling day after day preparing a noon meal for 30-plus people with one skillet. Your donations will end my suffering.

With the Bonners Ferry Senior Hospitality Center on the verge of getting enough donations for a new commercial stove, it would be a travesty to see kitchen magician Amy not have a proper set of pots and pans, so I set up the “Happy Birthday senior center cookware fund” on GoFundMe and I’ll be collecting donations payable to the Bonners Ferry Senior Center mailed to Cookware, c/o 9B News, 6619 Kaniksu St., Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, both through August 29.

Amy is a true Idaho gem, preparing amazingly beautiful and tasty meals that many county seniors rely on with less kitchen gear than a bachelor living alone within walking distance of the Chic-n-Chop. Just imagine what she’ll be able to do with a proper set of cookware.

Please, try to imagine the satisfied smiles of sated seniors after a fine Amy Leach meal prepared using a professional grade commercial cookware set your birthday present to me made possible … Won’t you please think of Amy?

Give generously!

All proceeds will be delivered to the center on Monday, September 2.

If the GoFundMe link above doesn’t work, please try this one: https://www.gofundme.com/f/happy-birthday-senior-center-cookware-fund