Group plans to file suit over Beartaria

Owen Benjamin
Owen Benjamin

A Reddit community of 38 members to date has recently been formed for the purpose of filing a class action lawsuit on claims of land fraud allegedly perpetrated by Owen Benjamin following his purchase of a 10-acre river-front haven on Earl Lane about four years he paid for by crowd-funding, accepting a $400 “donation” in exchange for unlimited access to Beartaria.

Benjamin allegedly offered donors, his “bears” a variety of descriptions of what they could do once there, from bucolic back-to-the-land gardening and gathering to full-on survival training with weapons for the end times or the crash of society, whichever came first.

Except for a couple of working weekends, when people came in from across the nation to build six dry cabins, those lining up to participate in the suit say none of the promises have been fulfilled, that requests for refunds have been met with intimidation and harassment, and that the former Hollywood comic pulled a “bait and switch,” all but abandoning the Boundary County development after backlash by area residents and adverse media attention prompted to shift to a new bear haven in the Missouri Ozarks, much to the chagrin of folks there.

The 44-year-old Benjamin had a modicum of success in Hollywood as a stand-up comic, writer and actor with work in films including “The House Bunny” and “Gaytown” in 2008 and “Jack and Jill” in 2011, but his increasingly racist and supremacist commentary cost him his audience and his career.

He launched a successful podcast, rambling for hours a day and at one point garnering around 172,000 followers on Twitter, attracting a global following of bears, but his rhetoric soon began to violate standards and he was kicked off blogging platforms one by one; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. He has since been reinstated on the former Twitter, Elon Musk’s X, where he now has around 242,000 followers.

Now, from his home in Bonner County, where he tried to start a Beartaria of about 200 acres before P&Z and worried neighbors led him to cast an eye north, he broadcasts on the fringe to a mere sliver of his old audience, and his emboldened bears are revolting despite Benjamin’s alleged propensity for intimidation by encouraging his faithful bears to harass those who complain or request refunds.

As a result, those who plan to file the suit are keeping details close to vest, to include the names of those included in the suit. No timeframe has been given as to when the lawsuit might be filed or in what court.

In addition to this suit, Benjamin is also defendant in a breach of contract suit filed March 7, 2024, in the Riverside County, California, Superior Court by videographer Adam Camacho seeking over $35,000 in damages.

6 thoughts on “Group plans to file suit over Beartaria

  1. Thanks Mike for this article.
    For the record Owen B Smith has lost every lawsuit he has been involved in.
    I understand why people are reluctant to come forward though I urge people who have sent Owen thousands of dollars for his BAIT N SWITCH nonexistent campgrounds in Idaho to contact Rick via the UrsaRioClassAction subreddit. I submitted my records there too.
    Also for anyone who would like to speak out anonymously please feel free to jump on any of my livestreams via the youtube channel called “Liz Antoinette”
    I am so grateful for everyone who has already done this and I would just like to say to Mr Smith, I hope you enjoy your MO CULT Festival and that it is better for us all than the fallout that happened after the 2023 one. Happy Days.
    p.s. The Truth CANNOT be chained.

    Kind Regards
    Elizabeth Moldovan

  2. Mike you should join this lawsuit… Didn’t his thugs try to intimate you at your residence???

    1. They did, Roy, set me on their telephone harassment list, too … some bright, intelligent folk in that bear club! The camera man who came over, Adam Camacho, got in touch with me awhile back and apologized, asked if I could forgive him … I did. I’ve dealt with people in cults and it’s a sad thing to see how easily well meaning people can be manipulated by conmen like Owen Benjamin and Donald Trump, which may be why I don’t let up when I come across one until they are no longer threatening my neighbors. I’ve never sued anyone, and I’d hate to start now. I much prefer pointing them out.

  3. It’s amazing how little anyone cares about this. Sued by a reddit group? Top notch journalism there, Mike.

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