I wish the community could see what staff sees at Valley View

Idaho votes logoI wish people could see the inside of our school before the teachers come in and cover the cracks. But you never will, because Valley View teachers make their rooms beautiful and ready for their students.

I wish people could look at the personal check books of their student’s teacher, because more often than not, a large sum of what comes into your child’s classrooms is funded by our teachers.

But you never will, because they do it gladly to make sure each student has exactly what they need and they don’t complain about where the money comes from.

I wish you could have seen the snow falling in the boys bathroom last year, one glittery flake at a time.

I wish you could have been here when we practiced the live shooter drill and shivered as gunshots rang through the school, knowing that all the readiness and training will not prevent an intruder from coming into our easy to enter building if evil decides to visit.

But you never will, because Valley View teachers and staff believe in protecting kids and parents at all cost. They show up every day knowing that they will be the only strong wall between our children and an intruder.

I wish this community would see the truth about the need for a new school, the need for good things for the generations of learners we touch.

I wish that we would put worth in the people who are inside doing the work and the students that are eager to learn.

I wish …

I wish we would put our kids first again … Like the generations of people before us did. Vote Yes.

A. Umphenour
Bonners Ferry

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