In support of Proposition One

North Idaho Voter Services (NIVS) supports Proposition One. Voting for Prop One will help restore sanity to our struggling political system.

Idaho’s current system of closed primary elections began with a 2011 law. Passage of the law set off a chain of events: voter disenfranchisement, decrease in voter turnout, and candidates elected by less than 10 percent of registered voters. Reduced participation has created a vacuum, making it easy to take over a political party, as is the case with our Republican Party.

Traditional, long time Republicans are under assault and playing defense while far-right Republicans use the Idaho Freedom Foundation playbook and focus on distracting ideologies instead of solutions to real problems.

Voters want solutions but under the current system, labels and ideology dominate campaigns. Voter turnout has plummeted to all-time lows—less than 30 percent statewide. Voters, disgusted with the negative sandbox politics, have decided their vote no longer counts and have opted out of our system.

Enter Proposition One, a grass roots endeavor with broad based support from a wide variety of organizations. Prop One addresses a main criticism of closed primaries, namely that these do not benefit the voter but favor party elites. And this can lead to party corruption—regardless of party.

Our current system is one that benefits Republican Party elites and it is why we see vigorous opposition from Republican state leaders on Prop One. Dorothy Moon’s billboards reading “Don’t Californicate Idaho” are incorrect and insulting to voters.

Passage of Prop One would make changes to the primary and the general election. For the primary all candidates would appear on one ballot. This by itself will save money for the taxpayers. The four candidates with the highest votes would go to the general election.

For the general election the winner must have 50 percent of the vote to win. If there is no immediate winner, the ranked-choice or instant run off provision comes into play. This guarantees that leaders selected have the support of and will represent a majority of Idaho voters. It is not complicated, it can be audited, and it will guarantee that all who are registered have a choice.

Research indicates that RCV could greatly improve Idaho’s political system. Some states have already moved in this direction. Idaho is one of several states with an initiative on the ballot for the general election.

According to credible political scientists, Prop One with open primaries and ranked-choice voting can:

  • Increase voter turnout
  • Ensure majority representation
  • Create a system of power by the people; not power by the party.

At NIVS we believe Prop One result in more qualified candidates who are true public servants interested in serving the will of the majority and in fostering positive solutions for our state.

Please join North Idaho Voter Services in supporting Proposition One. We encourage you to do your research to learn the facts. Jim Jones, former Idaho Attorney General and Supreme Court Justice writes about Prop One on this website.  For those wanting more, “Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop” by political scientist, Lee Drutman, provides extensive documentation.

Our website at provides additional information on candidates and issues.

Early voting is in process and we are just days from the November 5 General Election. Do your homework and VOTE YOUR VOICE! It really does count!

Diana Dawson retired to North Idaho after selling her marketing company—joining generations of her family who have lived in the state—and founded the non-profit North Idaho Voter Services in 2018. She holds degrees in political science and an MBA.




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