When America was great … Happy Thanksgiving

By Mike Weland

Before November 5, I often said that the 2024 election would be the most consequential since the election of 1860. The American people have spoken, and by our choice, we are once again putting to the test whether a nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, can long endure.

It took four years and close to 700,000 lives to decide that our constitutional republic should endure 84 years after it was established. Now, 160 years after that bloody war’s end, we stand once again on the precipice, awaiting the inauguration of our next president, now as then two factions, citizens of one nation, so diametrically opposed one group has all but decided our differences are irreconcilable.

In 1860, the question was slavery — not whether it should continue or be abolished but whether the institution should be limited to those states where it then existed, as proposed by Republican Abraham Lincoln, that it be protected and allowed in all states and territories, as proposed by Southern Democrat John Breckenridge, or that it be left to each state and territory to be a free or slave state.

When Lincoln won, South Carolina seceded. By inauguration day six other states had followed, making slavery a secondary issue for the president, who would not brook dissolution, declaring that Americans were friends despite their differences, that secession was unconstitutional and that if allowed, it would destroy the world’ s only democracy and prove to the American people and the world the answer to a timeless question he would pose on a terrible battlefield three years later.

By force of will, he held fast to his pledge to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and the union of states,” administered by Chief Justice Roger Taney, whose 1857 Scott v. Sanford decision that black people had no legal rights wrought the division over slavery that would explode into the war that consumed Lincoln’s presidency.

For that he was the most reviled of presidents during his life time, the first U.S. president to be assassinated and after his death consistently judged as one of our nation’s greatest presidents.

He entered his second term humbly, hopeful.

“With malice toward none,” he said on his second inauguration, “with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan–to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations.”

In 2024, the question of what divides us almost evenly is harder to define, but one faction and one only seems aggrieved, though they can give no clear explanation as to why. They say those who don’t stand wholeheartedly behind Republican Donald John Trump; liberals, Democrats, the “woke,” suffer a malady know as TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Even those of their own party who aren’t suitably “conservative,” the RINOS (Republicans in Name Only), may be suspect of being afflicted.

Inexplicably, they watch and even abet their adored one in the commission of wrongful, foolish or overtly imbecilic actions and immediately and without shame or remorse blame those upon whom said acts were perpetrated. They listen to what they are told to hear and read what they are told to learn. They get their “news” spun fresh daily over media that sold out to MAGA or from the pulpit and outreach arms of various evangelical groups enamored of a man of immense power and ability who may not be Godly or particularly virtuous, but who has God’s ear and is clearly an instrument of their God against all others, and he hears the lamentations of the faithful. Didn’t he nigh miraculously and by the strength of his will strike down abortion? Can you say amen?

Donald J. Trump

They do as told, vilifying “enemies” ordained for years by small and mostly hidden splinter groups; white supremacists and Christian Nationalists for the most part, groups Trump brought into the light from the lunatic fringe under which they languished, making their enemies his enemies, having them stand back and stand by, giving them power and authority with no countering burden of responsibility, besides being blindly loyal to Trump.

I say they are afflicted with a far more grave ailment, Trump Delusion Syndrome, TDS1, a malady a good many in Trump’s inner circle have already confessed to having and now being in recovery from. As with any cult, those who have it refuse to see it until they are thrown under the bus and out of the glee club they allow to define themselves.

Having never fallen victim, I don’t know what they see when they lay eyes on the man, but I see a spoiled rich kid with unresolved daddy issues who never figured out how to succeed on his own merit and so turned to taking advantage of others. He never had incentive to develop empathy or compassion and so never had need for courtesy, loyalty, manners, truth or decency. The only thing he does well is con people, at which he is a master.

Only the second president to be elected to a second non-consecutive term, when Trump won, he promised retribution to those who abetted his own wrongdoing, to deport millions as a solution to a crisis of his own making, to reshape the government to serve him. He has vowed vengeance on those who had the temerity to attempt to hold him to account.

Idolized by his cult of followers, he is the only man in the history of our nation to survive two impeachments in his first term as president, to get away with soliciting election interference on his own behalf from two adversarial nations, to foment insurrection and be allowed to run for a second term in office, to undermine faith in the cornerstone of our democracy by spreading incessant lies thoroughly disproved in over 60 courtrooms so as to undermine faith in our electoral system, weakening our constitution.

As president, he led the most scientifically advanced and capable nation in the world to the worst infection and death rates during a pandemic by his incomprehensible and erratic leadership, erroneously casting doubt on the sound and simple advice of renowned experts while promoting pseudo-science and conspiracy theory.

He worked hardest while in office and since not in service to the citizens of the United States, but at kicking away the checks and balances of the tripartite government established by the constitution, usurping a political party to weaken and assert undue control of the legislative branch and packing the judicial branch with loyalists willing to serve his interests rather than the interests of the United States.

He is the only convicted felon to be nominated and elected, the only U.S. president to be found guilty in a civil court of rape. He is the only former president to spend his time since election complaining of being falsely targeted, persecuted and oppressed by the liberals, the “weaponized DOJ” and the only president to tell myriad followers “it’s not me they’re coming after, it’s you! I’m just standing in the way!”

He is also the only former U.S. President to aver that a president needed a wide latitude of immunity from criminal prosecution in order to effectively carry out the demands of the office and to receive it.

Technically, Joe Biden, as sitting president, is now above the law, armed with a terrible power granted inexplicably by a judiciary of equal power and authority expressly to prevent such travesty, showing us, and especially Trump, how weak the reins intended to hold him in. Biden, however, holds fast to decency, to the rule of law, to knowing that though imperfect, as are all things wrought by the hand of man, it must apply equally to all citizens or none.

And Trump has his cadre, his core group now close to ten years in the making, ensconced at almost every level of government in the nation. “Conservative Republicans” in offices great and small not only in statehouses and Washington D.C., but in cities and counties, school boards, library boards, all of whom swore an oath to the constitution but all giving allegiance to the plethora of “Freedom” entities now proliferating, groups that rate and coerce Republican politicians at all levels to do what their consciences tell them, so long as their vote is “conservative” precisely as they define it.

And they all seem to be following a playbook drafted by the Heritage Foundation, a self-proclaimed “historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to take down the Deep State and return the government to the people. Its Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, published in April 2023, is a product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from around the country. The book offers a menu of policy suggestions to meet our country’s deepest challenges and put America back on track.”

While Trump claims to have never heard of it, have had no part in it or to even have any idea what it says, it echoes with uncanny accuracy the bugaboos Trump has lamented since his ride down the golden escalator; the liberal left, the “Deep State,” immigration, brown immigrants, “woke,” ad nauseum, and its list of contributors seem to be getting an inordinate number of nominations in the confederacy of dunces he is now introducing for admission into what he for now refers to as an administration.

Not surprisingly, though the irony undoubtedly goes unseen by the delusional, Deep State is defined as “a type of government made up of potentially secret and unauthorized networks of power operating independently of a state’s political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals.” Why ( reads it again) that describes precisely this Heritage Foundation! Color me surprised.

Few of the “crisis” raised in the last decade were on the national radar or even existed prior to 2015 except as promulgated quietly during Barack Obama’s term and greatly amplified by Trump.

No president before Donald Trump did so little or lied so much, so blatantly abused his office and his powers. He did run the executive like a business, but his own, not the people’s, and poorly, surrounding himself with the most corrupt and criminal administration in U.S. history.

No president before Trump had or has a more blindly loyal cult of followers, who will castigate any other for a minor mistake while overlooking, ignoring or heaping accolades on The Donald for even the most egregious of unethical or felonious transgressions. Few of his cult will countenance the allegations made here, all easily proven, but will instead malign the messenger.

They will not believe the well documented data proving the accomplishments and successes of the Biden administration, achieved with little fanfare, zero self-congratulations or bluster, zero drama and no chaos, but will instead berate and belittle a dedicated and capable public servant whose record eclipses that of the predecessor who refused to concede defeat and promulgated the lie that did lasting, if not irreparable damage to trust in our electoral system and so our constitution.

And they are here. For the past three years, Idaho has been one of the fastest growing states in the nation and Boundary County one of the fastest growing counties in the state. They aren’t coming here for the jobs, the world-class accommodations, the huckleberries or the hunting. They are instead here to be among the like minded.

While there are a few here welcoming them with open arms, the like minded aren’t us but those who, like them, packed up and fled the liberal, the woke, the all-powerful shadow figures like George Soros who are central to so many outlandish right wing conspiracies. They are here not to become part of the community, but to be ready to stand up for their conservative ideals, to stand back and stand by for Donald Trump to call them to the fray, to put finish to liberals and their Godless degeneracy. To return God to his throne in our classrooms and boardrooms and bedrooms and to the halls of government.

But they make one fundamental error, which I’ll explain momentarily.

Trump is the first president ever elected to criminally violate the laws he swore to execute, the only U.S. citizen to so brazenly escape sentencing for crimes of which he was convicted and first to be spared prosecution for felony charges brought against him fairly and impartially by a grand jury of his fellow citizens by being elected again to an office he is unfit to hold and to which, by virtue of his insurrection, he should be legally disqualified.

And here we are, and perhaps the delusional are right. Perhaps we are deranged. We have reelected a viper who has bitten repeatedly with fangs purposely held back. We are watching him prepare for a second term that will obviously be nothing like the first. We have read his blueprint, we’ve heard him tell his plans. We see him sharpening his fangs, selecting and nominating people for positions in his administration who are clearly as unfit as he is, yet we talk about laws that will constrain his worst impulses.

We forget that the moment he’s taken the oath and said “I solemnly swear,” he becomes even more iron-clad than he is right now as his presidential immunity kicks in. Because he has such immunity, you can refrain from thinking the Judicial system will ensure Trump will be constrained by or be subject to the rule law.

Look at some of his more “reasonable” appointments and you might speculate he’ll hear and heed their counsel, not seeing that Trump isn’t looking for counsel, he’s looking solely for affirmation of his brilliance. Remember, as part of Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation is said to have already vetted those whom Trump might call on not only for appointments to the Trump administration, but to fill the seats of the 2.25-million federal civil servants Trump plans to oust. sole criteria used for vetting is, of course, loyalty to Donald Trump.

No, everything says Trump is gearing up to actually fulfill his promise to Make America Great Again, and at long last we are able to deduce what MAGA has never been able to tell us … the period of time when America was great … the time in our history to which Trump wishes to return us.

It would have been about 1607. White Europeans were the immigrants, America was governed by a Monarch, the Church of England was the official religion and the first blacks wouldn’t arrive for another 12 years. Government was decidedly conservative and witches and other woke liberals were not tolerated and everyone in the Jamestown colony pretty much knew their place in white society, which consisted of about 104 men and boys in 1607. They only had to wait a dozen years until December 4, 1619, to celebrate the first American Thanksgiving.

Coincidentally, 1619 marked the arrival of the first slave ship in Jamestown, bringing 20 chained in her hold. Working industriously, they immediately built for the privileged whites the first grocery on American soil, a Piggly Wiggly, from whence came the stuffing mix, pumpkin pie with Cool Whip, cranberry sauce, and fixings for the green bean and tater tot casseroles.

Because their religion forbade it and they dwelt in a dry county, alcohol was prohibited and the five dusty bottles of port, three jeroboams of Bordeaux, one barrel of brandy and one of Barbados rum had to be snuck in and imbibed quietly and in utmost secrecy.

The thing those with TDS of the delusional variety seem to consistently get wrong is to think the words “liberal” and “conservative” define political positions and that either can be ascribed to a political party. If you went back to 1860 before the election and explained to Lincoln, Douglas and Breckenridge that Democrats were liberal and Republicans were conservative they’d have looked you over more closely to see if they could spot your stash of laudanum, because the roles then were opposite.

Conservative and liberal don’t define political slants, they define people. When Trump announced that henceforth, Democrats were to be considered enemies of the state, it wasn’t long before the Grand Ol’ Party had to add a new division with which to identify the now liberal faction of their conservative party, the RINOs. No matter h0w you organize and group people,  they will always settle out  according to their perspective.

Perhaps I do suffer Trump Derangement Syndrome, driven strongly by an unwavering commitment to live up to my obligation to protect and defend the United States Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Not only because I proudly swore that oath, but because I believe without question that all men are equal, and equally endowed with inalienable rights. And I believe without equivocation that though it is by far the hardest form of government to administer, there are no more noble aspirations toward which to strive than to ever sustain and ever perfect this great and good gift bequeathed us, this government of the people, by the people and for the people.

— END —

11 thoughts on “When America was great … Happy Thanksgiving

  1. Reverend Phyco…..You can try to put your wrong think on to the true Americans, but it’s not working. The Demorats(this includes you) along with the globalists are to blame. You’ve proven to the true patriots here in Boundary Co. that your words are treasonous to the well being of this community and county. You can preach as much as you wish, but that only proves how deranged in this political world you are. Your opinions rank up there with the dinosaurs. The Demoratic party is not wanted anymore. We’ve witnessed to treasonous influence and what effect it has had on creating division in this special county and community. Your kind is not respected anymore. You are not part of the solution, so that makes you part of the problem. TIC-TOK


    1. Mr. Kirk, you’ve been harassing me for what, two years? Three? And why? Because I refused to publish one of your letters, according to the police officer who visited on your behalf after I got a bit too explicit in my insistence that you take up a more constructive hobby. You’ve interfered with my business, raised pointless issues with my landlords and spread libelous misinformation about me, refused to cease and desist. All via the internet.

      As much as you’ve followed and watched me, I’ve never met you and wouldn’t know you if you were standing next to me and crapped your pants. I prefer it stays that way.

      I run this drivel because it’s one of your more polite responses yet still illustrative of your mindset and lack of manners.

      It also validates my assertrions. You recommended that I commit suicide a couple days ago after I published a satire and another less-than-flattering diatribe this morning.

      “I don’t understand you or your devotion to Trump,” I responded. “What are you expecting to see January 20, day one? What do you think Trump’s America is going to look like, and how will it be better? What is wrong with the America we’re now in?”

      I went so far as to tell you to enjoy the holiday.

      I’d hoped for better, but got just what I expected. And so I write this that other rational people may see you for what you are as well.

      The world knows people like you, Dixon, small, insufferable and weak bullies without a cogent or original thought of your own, delighted at having at last found your niche among like-minded small, insufferable and weak bullies without a cogent or original thought of their own.

      Our grandparents didn’t deploy to Europe to fight Hitler, the puppeteer, but to stop millions of his puppets, people just like you, unable to discern right from wrong or good from evil and not wanting to, just wanting to have an idol to worship and to be allowed to be part of the club, allowed to hate, to tear down rather than to build up. It’s uncanny … just like you, most of the Brown Shirts hid behind masks and never swung a club or threw a rock at the unarmed and helpless unless they had other cowards to hide behind.

      You are no patriot nor is the president you pray to before you crawl into bed, just two more self-centered has-beens trying to play tough while at the same time crying that you’re victims oppressed unbearably by woke leftists and brown people with the nerve to bust out laughing when you demand your self-proclaimed superiority be respected. Not gonna happen, Hambone.

      And so I ask you again, please, mind your own business, give up your unseemly infatuation with my condition, my work and my living arrangements and quit pestering me.

      If you have a sensible reply to what I publish or an original and logical thought of your own you’d like to share with fellow 9B.News readers, feel free to send them in, but don’t expect me to publish personal attacks such as this except for illustrative purposes.

      If you’re too soft-headed and thin-skinned to refrain, or if you continue to whine about me violating your first amendment rights, I recommend you stop reading my website and stick with Alex Jones.

      As tightly wound as you seem, I’d be mortified to think I made you go apoplectic and pop a vessel or have a stroke or something.

      Enjoy the rest of your holiday and don’t hog the giblets.

      1. Well….well…Reverend Phyco.. If I recollect the past, it was you who in a drunken state threatened me and my wife. It was you who wanted me to come over to your place on Main St. so as to do bodily harm, who in their right mind does that. Maybe a drunk who posts his thoughts after getting drunk. You say you wouldn’t know me if you saw me. That is a lie, as since you have been able to live at Restorium, you scooter your way past my home every time you go to town. You indeed know where I live and who I am. As far as minding my own business, why is my tax dollars aiding you living conditions? You have never denied it. Nobody there seems to know how you can afford $4500 a month rent after leaving Main St. with nothing.. I’m more than likely more a patriot than you, as I didn’t vote for the loosing side and a political whore and pedophile. Not to mention the tyrant Biden that you also endorsed, It’s you who is supporting the anti-America in your own little bias thoughts. I think what pisses you off the most is that tell the truth and you can’t handle it. I expected that you’s come back with some sort of frivolous BS. You are the gift that keeps on giving. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well……

        1. Fellow Americans……Please reply to any opinion piece you feel is not aligned with your beliefs toward what is best for our country.
          Kirk Dixon kdddixon@frontier.com

          If you do not post this…it’s because of bias, pure and simple. Are you man enough to back up what you preach????? Mr. Dixon

      2. Reverend Mikie…..
        Here’s what True American Patriots think about what pea brain leftist, such as you,have done to our country. You can adapt and follow us, or wallow in the toilet with the rest of your followers. All your sermons aren’t going to change anybody’s minds.
        With your stupidity, such as falling for the depopulation shots. you along with a lot of other dumb ass people, have already enhanced the dying process. My suggestion was to speed up the path you’ve set yourself up for. I’d recommend you spend what time you have more wisely. Like I’ve said……tik-toc
        As ever…… Mr. Dixon

      3. Reverend Mikie…..From what statistics show……your BS is done here in BF. .Your (associat )party is done due the fact, that, Your bias didn’t see it coming that the bad people( who ever)are her to destroy common sense thought process, ( Empathizdistry You are welcome to support a healthful debate. We are in a way….calling you out !!!!!! We will not allow you to dictate what is for
        Kdddixon@ frontier.com THANK YOU MIKIE FOR RESPONDING !!!! Your opinions are invaluable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Dixon
        I feel this will not be posted after my reply on this 11/51/2024 PT…..

  2. Laughable, what a disgrace of an essay. Happy Thanksgiving as you sit around all day chasing imaginary demons that don’t exist Mike.

    1. Plus…..Travis, did you know that Reverend Phyco is living of tax payers @ Resorium? At this point, Mikie has never contradicted this clams. What ever happened to transparency? One sided maybe?

  3. Reverend Phyco…..the more I think of Travis’s reply, it pretty much says it all says it all. (from us patriots that want what’s BEST!!!) It’s not to late for you to come over to the truthful, honest, American side you signed up for. (I imagine not, because your head is so far up where the sun don’t shine, you’ll NEVER get past Hitler……Blame that on or Mother?, she was the person who fell for it? All you have ever mentioned about your Mother is that she was German. HUMM…So…do you hate your Mother as well??????

  4. ( The gift that keeps on giving) Keep making the same mistakes over and over Reverend Phyco….If you don’t catch on, it’s you own problem, not ours……

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