Mikey still critical, visits on hold

By Mike Weland

Mikey Bjoraker
Mikey Bjoraker

Mikey Bjoraker, 45, remains in critical care at Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene after being hit by a car while crossing Highway 95 Tuesday evening as he was walking to the Liberty Qwik Stop from his home*, and as much as they appreciate the outpouring of love and support the community has shown their son, Mikey’s family asks for continued prayer, but asks that visits wait until he grows more stable.

Connie Mier Y Teran, a close family friend and former owner of Alberto’s Restaurant on the South Hill, one of the first of many businesses that hired Mikey over the years, enabling him to live in his own house and become the unofficial envoy of his neighborhood on the east side of South Main, spoke today with Mikey’s father, Bob Bjoraker, who is with Mikey, said his son has been kept sedated and on a breathing machine since shortly after his arrival Tuesday night.

She passes this on at his request.

Mikey has undergone surgeries for serious spinal injuries and remains in a room designed for optimal medical care with little room and no accommodation for anyone except immediate family.

Bob has also asked that Mikey’s neighbors be aware that the family has not asked for contributions nor have they established or approved any fundraisers Mikey’s behalf. They warn that any solicitations should be met with skepticism.

In coming days, doctors will work to determine if Mikey will be able to resume breathing on his own. There is no estimate when Mikey will move from intensive care, but for the time being all who know and “love Mikey too much” are asked to continue praying for his healing and recovery.

In his own inimitable way, Mikey has imbued Bonners Ferry with all his many positive attributes. His boundless enthusiasm, a sunny disposition that clouds can seldom dim. An irrepressible joy at the surprises each day holds, a genuine concern for the well-being of others, an unshakable and abiding love for family and for those many whose care and kindnesses are indelibly ensconced upon his heart.

Mikey is able to receive cards and letters mailed to Mikey Bjoraker, Kootenai Health, Critical Care 2, Room 2208, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814.

* My initial report said Mikey was walking home from Liberty when struck. A witness to the crash said he was going the other way. ~ Mike Weland