Three moving on in Elk’s Hoop Shoot

Elk's Hoop Shoot
Just some of today’s participants in the Elk’s Hoop at Valley View. They are (l-r) Ashlyn Arthur and Zoey Wolf, both winners for the girls, and Dieter Hiatt, boys winner Jacob Hanson and Hendrick Hawks.

Courtesy Paula Petesch

Valley View Elementary School hosted the Elk’s Hoop Shoot today. Students practiced shooting free throws during their physical education classes recently and were able to qualify for a spot in the local contest. Winners will travel to Sandpoint on January 11 to see how they fare against their peers from North Idaho.

Local winners include Ashlynn Arthur (8/9 age group), Zoey Wolf (10/11), and Jacob Hanson (10/11).

Other finalists included Dieter Hiatt, Hendrick Hawks, Isabel Dinning, Hayden Pluid, Terryn Bradley, and Gianna Merrifield.