‘Joyful and Triumphant’ a welcome reminder of what brought us to choir

By  Clarice Mckenney

“Joyful and Triumphant” truly was the entire musical performance at Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday. Conductor Julie McLeish led more than two dozen singers, including soprano soloist Kristin Fielder and tenor soloist Van Stonehocker, to wonderful heights of joy and triumph to the delight of a packed sanctuary of appreciative listeners.

One of the altos, Rhianna Wright, especially soothed the audience when she played the harp as the choir sang “Angel’s Carol.” Rhianna told me after the performance that the harp has the same calming, celestial effect on her, which we all experienced, every time she plays it.

Pianist extraordinaire Jeff Hunsaker entertained everyone as they gathered in the Lutheran sanctuary prior to the main performance. Jeff skillfully accompanied soloists and choir members through the gorgeous numbers. The enthusiastic appreciation for his talents in the crowd was expressed by the audience as he took his bow at the end of the evening.

Another performer, soprano Karen Samter, who rose to terrific heights interpreted many of the pieces in sign language. As always, Karen’s body language and facial expression were totally in synch with her interpretation of the ethereal beauty of the words and music.

Colleen Haley, longtime manager of the choir, wrote and delivered the narration for the evening’s performance. Colleen memorizes her music every year so that her smiling gaze is always on Julie and the audience.

The vocal climax of the evening for many, including a dozen of us who previously sang with the Bonners Ferry Community Choir, was the last number, also entitled “Joyful and Triumphant.” Strong, enthusiastic voices from all over the audience joined those of the choir in a medley of four joy-filled Christmas pieces.

Many former members, as we shared snacks provided by the choir in the room downstairs, told me they will participate as singers in this wonderful choir experience next year. Heads up: Julie begins rehearsals for this annual event the first part of October, and I, for one, need all the rehearsal time I can get.