North Bench Fire District will hold its annual meeting from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, February 22, at Fire Station #164464 US-2, Bonners Ferry, and all who reside or own property within the district are encouraged to attend.
The board will be reviewing the 2025 budget, reviewing the activity within the department over the last year, and taking questions from the membership.
Two board seats are up for election, as those terms expire.
An immediate need for one of the board positions is that of secretary, whose duties include keeping minutes of all board, membership and annual meetings, maintaining all corporate records and signing and executing all documents required by law by the secretary of the corporation.
If you have the interest or skill set to fulfill a board position or that of the secretary, please attend the annual meeting to run for election! You must be present to run.
Help serve your community and our district!