Moyie Springs Girl Scout Troop 2506 looking to grow

Moyie Springs Girl Scout Troop 2506

Organizers behind Moyie Springs Girl Scout Troop 2506 have been working hard since forming in September, and that work has been paying off nicely, but there’s still a long way to go.

The troop is rare in today’s Girl Scouts, being multi-tiered and open to members from five year old to adult. They are reaching out to the community for sponsors, donations, volunteers and members to make Troop 2506 grow and thrive. They are also looking for community projects and fun things to do in the community!

The Troop meets from 5:30 to 8 p.m. each Thursday in the Moyie Springs City Hall, which includes an evening meal, refreshments and more. The troop offers scouts assistance with the cost of uniforms and the chance to learn, go off on adventures and grow.

To learn more or to find out how you can help, visit “Bonners Ferry. Moyie. Girl Scouts Troop 2506” on Facebook, or call Susie Tompkins-McDonald, (986) 205-9805.

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