Bonners Ferry City Council meeting, 6 p.m. Tuesday, February 20

Welcome to tonight’s City Council meeting!
The elected officials of the City of Bonners Ferry appreciate an involved constituency. Testimony from the public is encouraged for items listed under the Public Hearing portion of the agenda. Any individual may address the council on any issue, whether on the agenda or not, during the Public Comments period. Individuals addressing the Mayor and Council during Public Comment should refrain from using that time to address the performance of or to make complaints about a specific employee. Public participation during the business portion of the meeting will generally not be allowed, with the discretion left to the Mayor and Council. Special accommodation to see, hear, or participate in the public meeting should be made at City Hall within two days of the public meeting.

Vision Statement
Bonners Ferry, “The Friendliest City”, strives to achieve balanced growth, builds on community strengths, respects natural resources, promotes excellence in Government, and values quality of life. We are a city that welcomes all people.
Bonners Ferry City Hall 7232 Main Street
February 20, 2024
6:00 pm

Join video Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 176727634
Join by phone: 253-215-8782 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three minutes, unless repeat testimony is requested by the Mayor/Council.

Police/Fire/City Administrator/City Engineer/Urban Renewal District/SPOT/Golf/EDC
CONSENT AGENDA – {action item}
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Approval of Bills and Payroll

4. PLANNING {action Item} [attachment]- A resolution to amend the city of Bonners Ferry comprehensive plan future land use map to correct the previous resolution designating certain lands as “general commercial and mixed use” upon annexation into the incorporated city limits. This land is associated with Annexation File 06- 23.
5. CITY {action Item} [attachment]- Consider suspension of rules and adopt ordinance #616, by Title only and authorize publication of the ordinance summary. Consider Ordinance #616, correcting Ordinance #612, annexing certain lands into city limits and zoning such lands commercial and Residential B on the official zoning map, for first reading by title only.
6. ELECTRIC {action Item} [attachment]- Consider Contract Amendment with HDR to complete FERC Regulatory Work Related to the Supplementary Tech. Information Document.
7. STREET {action item} [Attachment]- Consider approval of Road Scholar increase for Dawson Brod of $0.50/hour.
8. POOL {Action item} [attachment]- Discussion regarding the hire of an Assistant Pool Manager.
9. POLICE [attachment]- Consider promoting William Cowell to Police Chief effective March 1, 2024.