Mulemanship master Ty Evans coming to town

By Mike Weland

Ty Evans MulemanshipThere are very few teachers in the world who are such masters at their discipline that not only will students gladly pay for the privilege of their teachings, but spectators will stand in line to buy tickets for the pleasure of beholding the remarkable transformation that blossoms in the student as the master’s secrets are revealed and understanding sets in. One such master and his family will be in Bonners Ferry for three days this spring, and both students and spectators are lining up.

It is said, “better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher,” and the more mysterious and enigmatic the topic, the more true the proverb.

“Master, what is the secret to that most stubborn of creatures, the mule, and why is it they frustrate even the most patient?”

Master Po and Caine“Ah, grasshopper … are you certain of your perception? Perhaps what you see as a shortcoming in the character of your mule is in truth but a weakness and shortcoming that your mule perceives in you.”

Ty Evans, his wife Skye and their daughters Ellie and Swayzee call Utah home but spend nine to 10 months each year traveling all over the United States, Canada and Australia teaching the arcane secrets of Mulemanship in clinics geared toward helping riders and their mules get along a little better.

They’ll be in Bonners Ferry at the Boundary County Fairgrounds Arena from Thursday, May 30 to Saturday, June 1, offering two of TS Mules’ premier three day classes; Foundation Mulemanship from 9 a.m. to noon and Mulemanship One from 1 to 4 p.m.

Foundation Mulemanship focuses on mules that are still green enough in their progression that a lot of groundwork is necessary and consists of groundwork preparatory for riding. All the movements acquired in this class will help you to get your mule handy and willing on the ground, building a sure foundation for a successful future in the saddle. This is also a great class for animals that are still too young to ride but ready to get started on the groundwork.

Ty and Skye Evans
Ty and Skye Evans

Mulemanship One is for the green to intermediate mule and/or rider.

There is no groundwork involved in this class unless Ty feels the need to go over it with the students. It is recommended but not required that you have attended a Foundation Mulemanship class as a prerequisite.

Each class will be spent in the saddle working on the basic maneuvers and exercises involved in making a soft and willing bridle mule. Softness and suppleness are major goals to obtain for both mule and rider. Most of the work will be done at a walk and trot with an introduction to the canter.

After riding in this class you should feel confident in your new skills and have a list of things to go home and continue working with, on both yourself and your mule.

Ty enjoys helping individuals establish a partnership with the mule and develop a clear communication line between one another. The style of Mulemanship he teaches not only works great for mules, but is also very much applicable to horses and donkeys as well, all welcome at Ty Evans Clinics.

“Tell me, grasshopper … is it the mule that is stubborn, or might it not be the rider? Perhaps, young Kwai Chang, it is both. Therefore, let us help both people with mule problems, and mules with people problems.”

“At our clinics, the main goal is to bring out the best in the mule,” Ty writes. “We have discovered that by bringing out the best in the mule, it also brings out the best in the people.”

Ty looks nothing like Master Po of the Shaolin Temple, nor is he fictional … he is truly one of the few teachers in the world who are such masters at their discipline that not only will students gladly pay for the privilege of their teachings, but spectators will stand in line to buy tickets for the pleasure of beholding the remarkable transformation that blossoms in one day, rather than a thousand days of diligent self study.

The cost of each class is $500, with a $260 deposit, available online and including a $10 processing fee, required to guarantee admission. Cost of tickets to watch each class are $30.

To sign up for a class in Bonners Ferry, click here. To learn more, contact Bonners Ferry coordinator Jason Cordle at (208) 255-9967 or by email,