Thank you for standing up

Clarice McKenneyAs a 27-year voting resident of Boundary County I can’t thank you enough for everything you do, daily, to make our community better. From the days in late ’97 when I benefited from your photo developing and printing expertise on the early Kootenai Valley Times, I have looked to you for guidance in navigating this astonishingly beautiful location on our globe. You have a totally unique perspective on so much local history that I truly am in awe.

Thank you for all the work you did as a reporter, Bonners Ferry Police reservist and EMT during the Randy Weaver years. Thank you, too, for your work at the local radio station. You gave everyone here the up-to-the-minute news about some very important events right as they happened.

Now, after so many years and experience covering our community, you are working tirelessly again to maintain updated news and coverage of local events. We all benefit greatly from your work.

On a personal note, I’ve been even more awe struck by your personal courage and strength of character since your strokes. Too many of us would lie down and refuse to be motivated when something like that happened to us. Not the Mike Weland I have come to value as a dear friend and love as one of my favorite members of God’s kingdom.

Although neither of us gets paid in money* for what we do, we both enjoy helping our community. I also know that you do the work because it’s needed and because you can.

You, my friend, even do the work while being harassed unfairly and mercilessly and threatened with bodily harm. You rise above us all, and I’m grateful that at last you safely live surrounded by friends and caregivers. While many in our community see who and what are causing chaos, few will confront the perpetrators. That enables bad actors. You stand almost alone against them.

My God grant you many more years in the loving care of the great staff at the Restorium. You are a treasure none of us ever will forget.

Clarice M. McKenney
Bonners Ferry

* Publisher’s note: Thank you for your kind words and support, Clarice. I do have a few advertisers whose support enables me to cover the expenses of publishing and without whom I could not continue doing work I enjoy in a community I love. To them I am extremely grateful. — Mike Weland