Vote for decency, be a RINO

I’m an Independent voter who registers Republican to get decent people into state government. Jim Woodward is one of those people, and his opponent – Scott Herndon – is not.

While Herndon sponsored one good bill since unethically landing a seat in the state Senate, his overall record is appalling. Herndon is the guy who used to parade his kids with him at the schools toting posters of bloody fetuses – a scare tactic targeting my child and fellow students. Now, he’s terrorizing the entire state, demonizing women and doctors, and chasing many of them from Idaho by criminalizing abortions.

He’s the guy who tried to carry a gun into the Festival at Sandpoint and wasted taxpayer dollars suing the city. He lost at the state Supreme Court, so sponsored a grudge bill to force the Festival to allow guns if it lases public property. His actions threaten a beloved community event and our local economy.

Fellow Independents, join the proud RINO ranks who reject party “purity” and register Republican (you can do it at the polls!) to have a voice in the closed Primary election. Then, please vote for decency and vote Jim Woodward on May 21.

Susan Drumheller