Huggins seen on the highway … spring is here

By Sheriff David Kramer

Terry HugginsOne of the first signs of spring in Boundary County is seeing Terry Huggins picking up trash along the roads. I have seen Terry along Highway 95, out along Highway 2, and on county roads throughout our county. For years now Terry goes out on his own to make our county look better by picking up roadside trash.

On my way to work this morning I saw Terry out again bright and early picking up trash and stopped to thank him for his volunteer service. Terry told me that so far this season he has covered 500 miles in Boundary County picking up trash … what a dedicated accomplishment! … and he anticipates having several thousand miles by the end of the season when snow begins to fall.

If you see Terry along the roadway or spot his blue Ram pickup, give him a friendly wave, or thank him in person when you see him.

You can also do you part to help keep Boundary County looking so good, by making sure that your trash is secured when hauling it to the landfill or dump site and not throwing trash out of your windows.