Last chance to sign Open Primaries petitions drawing nigh

Clarice McKenneyRegistered Boundary County voters who want the Open Primaries Initiative to get on the November ballot in Idaho must sign a petition by Tuesday, April 30. Local volunteers must turn in petitions to me so that I may notarize them, record them and turn them in to our county clerk’s office May 1st.

I plan to gather signatures myself during the opening of our local Farmer’s Market this Saturday.

The main reason I volunteered to lead the Boundary County Open Primaries Team was my desire to see Jim Woodward reelected. I wanted everyone to be able to select the best candidates for office, candidates like Jim who will listen to their constituent citizens, not to some party committee or special interest group.

Our local team helped District 1 become one of the first in the state to gather our district’s share of registered voter signatures. Now we’re working to help the state, as a whole, qualify the Initiative for the ballot.

Please help us change the system we currently have, which clearly is not working for us.

Please make sure you have reregistered to vote if you changed your name or moved since you last voted. Then look for the Open Primaries sign near the Saturday Market and sign the Initiative.

Clarice M. McKenney
Bonners Ferry

4 thoughts on “Last chance to sign Open Primaries petitions drawing nigh

  1. This is a very important issue for all the voters in Idaho. Let’s bring back the open primaries. An open primary allows us to vote for the person not the party line.

  2. Clarice McKenny stated that the “system” is not working for us. Well, actually it is. The open primary would only help far left Democrats, like Miss McKenny and her ilk. It’s quite disturbing that Democrats in Boundary County are unwilling in most cases to admit their party affiliation.

    1. What? Your comment makes no sense. Last I checked the “ilk” of democrats in Boundary County was less than 10%. The system is not working if all voters cannot vote for any candidate of their choosing. This includes Democrats, Independents and Libertarians. This is not true democracy.

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