Vote for people, values that make Idaho Idaho

I saw a comment written in the Herald a few weeks ago “Let’s make Idaho, Idaho.” I thought about that comment long and hard. What did that mean? Historically, Idahoans are fiercely independent, have a live and let live philosophy and hold a strong commitment to and pride in their communities. Idahoans volunteer in their communities, churches and schools more than almost any state in the country. Right now, Idaho is being invaded. Yes, invaded by outside money, influences and ideologies which, if left unchecked, I fear will ruin the Idaho that I have come to love and commit to for over 40 years.

My wife and I moved to Boundary County in the early 1980s, I began my career in the timber industry. Like all new-comers back in those times, we thought it best to keep our eyes open and our mouths closed and assimilate into the small, honest and hard-working town that was Bonners Ferry and Boundary County. We quickly made friends and were welcomed into the community, which offered so much and asked for so little. To this day, we consider ourselves to be some of the luckiest people in the world to call Bonners Ferry, Boundary County and North Idaho home.

I have known Jim Woodward for more than 25 years. I have known Jim in many capacities; as the owner of a construction company, as a dutiful, caring and faithful father and husband, as a patriotic veteran who served our country proudly and lastly as a thoughtful and insightful state senator. A senator who voted for the constituents he represented; not voting on party lines alone or as far, far right funded groups or affiliations wanted him to vote.

My wife and I are very proud to call Jim and his family friends. They have our respect with their honesty, integrity and willingness to give back to the community.

One of Jim’s most passionate issues is and continues to be the education of our children, the adequacies of a quality education in conjunction with the funding sources of that education and the tax burdens on Idaho citizens. That is not an easy task for anyone – but Jim has a very steady hand on the wheel and in discussing this issue will vote for the best education that the children of Bonner and Boundary counties can get given the current choice of schools (local community, open enrollment, public charter and home schools).

He will not vote along Idaho Freedom Foundation stated goals of abolishing public education in Idaho as our current state senator has repeatedly done. Look up his vote record – it’s public information. Issues such as these and others which are being funded by outside Idaho sources, debated and embellished are currently at work to deceive the Idaho voter and as I stated, look to change the face of North Idaho forever..

So, yes; elect Jim Woodward to the office of state senator for Idaho, for North Idaho and for the interests of the residents of Bonner and Boundary Counties. Elect a former naval officer and proud veteran who served his country. Elect a former state senator who last was appointed to five state committees. This May is a very important first step in seeing that Jim Woodward once again represents the good people of North Idaho and the values that “Make Idaho – Idaho.”

Please put a man of honesty and integrity back into the seat to represent North Idaho. I urge you to get informed, get involved in your community and please vote on May 21 for Jim Woodward.

Tim Dougherty
Bonners Ferry

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