LPOHS students putting on Lake Pend Oreille pike derby

PikeLet the Pend Oreille Paddler beware! Lake Pend Oreille High School students are holding a pike fishing derby on Lake Pend Oreille on Wednesday, May 15.

Kaiden Harper, Kailyn Gingerich, and Solace Peterson are part of a water science course at LPOHS. The class studies local water quality issues and proposes potential solutions. Students present their findings at the Youth Water Summit, an event judged by water quality experts and attended by students from ten northern Idaho schools.

After hearing from many experts in hydrology, Kailyn, Solace, and Kaiden decided to address the pike issue in Lake Pend Oreille.

Pike are a non-native fish species whose populations are increasing rapidly. Pike prey on native fish species and deplete their food supplies. A fishing derby focused on catching pike can help reduce the pike population.

With assistance from Idaho Fish and Game and the Bonner County Sheriff Marine Division and guidance from the Lake Pend Oreille Fishing Club, the students were able to navigate the permitting process and get some helpful tips on how to run a fishing derby. Plans are in place and prizes are arranged.

Now they just need some lucky anglers.

Tickets for the derby are for sale at Savory Restaurant in Sandpoint and at Superfly in Kootenai. These young scientists appreciate your help with their research project. Please consider entering the May 15 Pike Panic Fishing Derby. Call LPOHS at (208) 263-6121 to learn more.