Help needed on Firewood Rescue work day

Rich Feickert is the Boundary County guy of North Idaho Firewood Rescue, a group dedicated to ensuring that no one in Boundary or Bonner go without firewood because they can’t afford it or can no longer get out to get it for themselves, and he’s calling all available hands to pitch in for a work day beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, May 11, to process a load of logs donated and delivered by Alta Forrest Products, Ryan Comer, Luke Machtolf and Scott Peaster a few days ago.

Those who’d like to pitch in can message Rich on Facebook or email

North Idaho Firewood Rescue is a 501(c)(3) which has been tirelessly serving individuals and families in dire need of firewood to heat their homes since 2017.

Those with serious health issues, the disabled, the elderly and the financially challenged are afforded priority consideration. The organization’s mission has attracted a dedicated core group of volunteers who are oftentimes accompanied by their children, some teenagers, who pitch in with stacking and other tasks.

Firewood Rescue is one of around just 100 firewood banks around the United States and as such qualified for a federal grant earmarked for a permanent wood shelter which was recently completed a 25-year leased site.

To increase its outreach, Firewood Rescue has established satellite operations in Boundary County as well as West Bonner County. With the growth of the operation comes increased operating costs. These included equipment rental for the construction of the shelter, fuel costs, equipment repair, and reimbursing those volunteers on fixed incomes for their gas.

Tax deductible donations can be made in the form of a personal check or via Zelle under North Idaho Firewood Rescue.