Mesrtzweiller is teacher of the quarter

Rachel Mertzweiller
Rachel Mertzweiller

Mt. Hall Elementary School’s certified employee of the the third quarter is third grade teacher Rachel Mertzweiller. This is her second year at Mt. Hall and her students and our staff will tell you that she is the life of the party. Walking into her classroom is walking into an engaging learning environment and she provides a first class learning experience to all of her students.

Not only does she work tirelessly for her students, she also is always thinking of opportunities that will benefit all students and staff. She’s the relentless big idea person. Some of her coworkers had this to say about Mrs. Mertzweiller:

“She has brought so many wonderful things to our school! STEM carts, Arts in April, Awesome PBIS ideas, etc.

“She is a team player and always available in any capacity. Rachel has played an integral role in ‘Arts in April,’ which has been a huge success.

“She is always coming up with the best ideas on how to get students involved and how to make Mt. Hall be as amazing as it is!”

“She is a wonderful teacher and it is clear that she loves her students so much and they have the same love and respect for her! We are so glad that Mrs. Mertzweiller has found Mt. Hall – congratulations!”