Bringing beautiful art to downtown sidewalks

Chalk the Block artists, creating during an event by Teascarlet in Bonners Ferry, Idaho
Teascarlet with a few proteges

By Hannah “Teascarlet” Sucsy

Large-scale work by Dawn Wagner, middle school art teacher

Bonners Ferry, you have filled my heart to overflowing by answering my invitation to create art all over town! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every person who picked up a piece of chalk and made a mark, no matter how “unartistic” or “uncreative” you declare yourself to be. 

Thank you to all who shared info with your friends, sponsored funds, donated gift certificates, and cheered me on in putting Chalk the Block together. It was really fun to be able to offer some great prizes.

Thank you to every child who covered the sidewalk with butterflies and mountain scenes and spaceships and hopscotch. 

Thank you to the parents and grandparents who made a point to bring your little ones downtown so they could join in the creative revelry. 

Thank you to the adults who took the time to create something beautiful. It is such an important example to give the younger generation, to model for them that creating something for the sake of beauty is valuable!

Thank you to all the downtown business owners for not coming at me with pitchforks for your clientele having chalk dust on their feet when they enter your shop. 

Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring this event as part of Kootenai River Days.

Thank you to each person who made a point to tell me how much joy this brought to you, and that you hope I’ll put the event on again next year.

I’m already planning for the Third Annual Chalk the Block for next year, considering ways to make it even better! I’d love to have a “pro” category, in addition to keeping the open invitation for all ages and skill levels.

Regardless of next year’s details, I’m confident that it will be a smash hit again. I’ve had a hundred people tell me this week that they love what I’m doing, that this town needs it. But I want to make sure to say it a hundred times, just in case you didn’t hear it yet: the world needs your art.

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