Bonners Ferry City Council minutes, January 2

January 2, 2024

Mayor Alonzo called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Council present were Ron Smith, Val Thompson, Adam Arthur, and Brion Poston. Staff present were City Administrator Mike Klaus, City Attorney Andrakay Pluid, Police Chief Brian Zimmerman, Clerk/Treasurer Deborah Garcia. Public present were Gerald Higgs, Marciavee Cossette, Adrienne Norris, David Sims, Jessica Tingley, Emily Bonsant, David Clark, Dick Staples, Joseph Knight, Kathy Walk, Carolyn Birrell, Denise Crichton, Tessa Vogel.


Mayor Alonzo read the top statement of the agenda. This has been updated and the mayor wants the public to be aware of the change before commenting starts.

The elected officials of the City of Bonners Ferry appreciate an involved constituency. Testimony from the public is encouraged for items listed under the Public Hearing portion of the agenda. Any individual may address the council on any issue, whether on the agenda or not, during the Public Comments period. Individuals addressing the Mayor and Council during Public Comment should refrain from using that time to address the performance of or to make complaints about a specific employee. Public participation during the business portion of the meeting will generally not be allowed, with the discretion left to the Mayor and Council. Special accommodation to see, hear, or participate in the public meeting should be made at City Hall within two days of the public meeting.
Gerald Higgs- Stated that what is happening tonight reminds him of a bar way up the Yaak that’s been frequented by loggers and haulers for many years. It is said that it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and a second to destroy it and Mr. Higgs said no one knows that better than him. Regardless of who is hired or sworn in tonight.
The process that led to tonight’s results is tainted by some individuals whose own needs have brought discredit upon the good reputation of the City of Bonners Ferry. The city has been blessed with a great staff and most officials have exhibited integrity but feels some attempted to gain the system in a manner lacking integrity or compliance with Idaho code. Some of these were committee members. At a time when public trust of government sits at all-time lows. Complicating these matters is a pseudo press banging outrage of our misfortune and whose only agenda is to divide our community. Mr. Higgs also stated that the issues that he is addressing are the process of the golf course manager and the status of the former mayor. These events and the name of that bar are a Dirty Shame.

Police- No report Fire- No report
City Administrator- No report City Engineer- No Report
Urban Renewal District- No report SPOT- No report
Golf- No report

EDC- No report

CONSENT AGENDA – {action item}
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Approval of Bills and Payroll
3. Approval of minutes from 12/19/23 regular meeting.
4. Approval Alcohol Beverage License for Sanah & Sajeh LLC
Val Thompson made a motion to have the minutes pulled for corrections and reconsideration at a future meeting. Ron Smith seconded the motion.

Result: Approved
Moved by: Val Thompson
Seconded by Ron Smith
Voted Yes Brion Poston, Val Thompson, Adam Arthur, Ron Smith
Voted No



Swear in newly elected officials.
Mayor Alonzo read a letter that mayor elect James Staples wrote.
I have elected to decline the position as Mayor of Bonners Ferry for the term from January 2024 to January 2028.
Clerk/Treasurer Deborah Garcia swore in Rick Alonzo as Councilman and Val Thompson as Councilwoman.

5. CITY- (action item) Consider any vacancies of elected officials.

There is a vacancy for the mayor. It is the decision of the council to either re-appoint Rick Alonzo as the mayor or to look elsewhere.
Brion Poston made the motion to retain Rick Alonzo as Mayor in lieu of Dick Staples resignation. Val Thompson seconded the motion.
Clerk/Treasurer Deborah Garcia Swore Rick Alonzo in as Mayor.

Result: Approved
Moved by: Brion Poston
Seconded by Val Thompson
Voted Yes Adam Arthur, Ron Smith, Brion Poston, Val Thompson
Voted No
Mayor Alonzo stated that there is now a vacancy on the City Council and he has the privilege to appoint someone to that position and he is going to nominate Adam Arthur for this councilman position. Council voted to confirm this nomination. Brion Poston [yes], Val Thompson [yes], Ron Smith [yes].

Clerk/Treasurer Deborah Garcia swore Adam Arthur in as Councilman.
Mayor Staples stated that now that there is a full council, they need to select a Council President. Mayor Alonzo opened the floor for nominations.

Val Thompson made a motion to nominate Adam Arthur to be president of the council. Brion Poston seconded the motion.

Result: Approved
Moved by: Val Thompson
Seconded by Brion Poston
Voted Yes Ron Smith, Val Thomspon, Brion Poston
Voted No

6. GOLF- (action item) [attachment] Consider approval of Golf Contract with Ben Staples and Jennifer Baulne.

Brion Poston made the motion that authorize the Mayor to enter into contract with Dodger LLC for management of Mirror Lake Golf Course subject to a modification of Section 14 of the proposed contract to read: In the event of a breach of any provisions of this agreement, or from any determination by a court that Operator’s actual and factual relationship to the City is anything other than that of an independent contractor, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of its reasonable attorney fees and costs. The party asserting the breach must give the opposing party a reasonable opportunity to cure the breach before pursuing action in a court of law. Val Thompson seconded the motion.

Result: Approved
Moved by: Brion Poston
Seconded by Val Thompson
Voted Yes Ron Smith, Adam Arthur, Val Thomspon, Brion Poston
Voted No


7. ELECTRIC- (action item) [attachment] Consider approval of Change Order #4 with Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories for Unit 1 start up and commissioning.
Mike stated about a year ago they pulled out unit 1 for a rebuild and found a cracked runner which delayed the project and will not be installed for two more weeks. Since our controls portion have to work together. They were unable to do start up, commissioning and all the testing that needs done that SEL was doing for unit 1, so they tried to line up the two contractors, so they are putting in the mechanical equipment at the same time they are commissioning the controls equipment. That’s scheduled for January 9th and to be completed by the 19th. That overlap that SEL has proposed is about $22,000.00. This should be the end of this project. Mike stated that all three units are running well and with the water year being unique and not very cold yet, there has been a lot more water coming down the river, so they have been making the maximum of

the three units that are in place. There has been good production. The hope is to have Unit 1 back online by the end of this month and then they will have all four units running.
Mayor staples stated that when they first received this change order, it was for $45,000.00 which they thought was outrageous. Mike started doing some research and went to bat and had some conversations with SEL and was able to get it down to $21,965.00. Mayor Alonzo said Mike saved the city $23,000.00 and would like to thank him for that.

Adam Arthur made a motion to approve the Change Order #4 with Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories for Unit 1 start up and commissioning in the amount of $21,965.00. Val Thompson seconded the motion.

Result: Approved
Moved by: Adam Arthur
Seconded by Val Thompson
Voted Yes Brion Poston, Val Thompson, Adam Arthur, Ron Smith
Voted No

8. ELECTRIC- (action item) [attachment] Consider approval of quote to relocate Electrical Infrastructure on Riverside Road for Boundary County FLAP Project.
Mike stated this is the last step of the infrastructure move on Riverside for the Federal Lands Access Program. The county is getting to rebuild Riverside. This will include moving eleven poles, rebuilding a few other ones, and doing some underground work. There were two quotes received for this, one was $199,000.00 and this one was
$112,817.00. Mike stated that we will receive approximately fifty percent of this back. Mike has already submitted the application to Federal Highways to get reimbursed for everything up to date. We should receive approximately
$181,000.00 back once all the reimbursements are received. It will be around May or June when we get the funds back.

Ron Smith made a motion to approve the attached contract with International Line Builders to relocate electrical infrastructure for the Riverside FLAP project at a cost not to exceed $112,817.00. Adam Arthur seconded the motion.


Result: Approved
Moved by: Ron Smith
Seconded by Adam Arthur
Voted Yes Brion Poston, Val Thompson, Adam Arthur, Ron Smith
Voted No

Mayor Alonzo adjourned the meeting at 6:21 pm.