Groups work like clockwork to get freezing man to help

Boundary Search and Dive Rescue
While Boundary Search ands Dive Rescue personnel took off to bring back a stranded motorist this morning …

At about 6:25 a.m. today, Boundary Ambulance personnel were called out into the cold and dark to go to the aid of a 35-year-old man stranded in his disabled truck off Highland Flats Road in the vicinity of Round Mountain Road. He said he was extremely cold and feared frostbite was setting in.

Sheriff’s deputies and South Boundary Fire personnel were first to reach the area, but found the road blocked by a second disabled rig, this one abandoned. Boundary Search and Dive Rescue was activated and soon on site at the staging area, setting out on snowmobiles. At 6:58 a.m. SAR personnel radioed in that they had the man and were heading back for the staging area.

As the radio crackled with the news, a medic checked the thermometer … 27 below zero. A National Weather Service station in the area recorded -31 degrees. When the SAR team arrived with their patient, medics went to work immediately, warming the man up and preparing him for transport to Boundary Community Hospital in stable condition.

Boundary Ambulance
… deputies and medics kept the ambulance warm and prepared for their patient’s arrival.