Elect Jim Woodward state senator

Jo Len Everhart
Bonners Ferry

I’ve been a registered Republican for eight years and my husband Orrin is a Democrat — but we’re both more interested in the candidate’s character, voting record and positions on issues rather than party affiliation. Political advertising is obviously biased in favor of their own candidates — so that’s why it is important to talk to candidates in person, to separate fact from fiction.

We just hosted a “Meet and Greet” for Jim Woodward in our home, inviting 12 guests. A small group allows plenty of time for in-depth conversations, including difficult questions.

Jim thinks well on his feet and gives clear, articulate answers. Our friends and neighbors are from different backgrounds and beliefs, but we all had a chance to see and hear for ourselves what this candidate stands for, rather than relying on second-hand information.

If you might be interested in hosting or attending a “Meet & Greet Jim Woodward” elsewhere, visit his helpful website, woodwardforsenate.org, or call me at (208) 267-6284 to find out how easy it is to host a small group of friends.

Jim served in the State Senate for for productive, successful years, then lost in the 2022 Republican Primary. He now is fighting hard to regain his seat — and his honesty, integrity, intelligence and work ethic will serve us very well. I have known Jim and his family since he was in Bonners Ferry High School with my two sons.

I hope many voters get to personally meet Jim so that he will win the May Republican Primary and then the November General Election to represent us in Legislative District #1.


One thought on “Elect Jim Woodward state senator

  1. Woodward lost in 2022 because he voted against school vouchers. If you look at his voting record from when he was in office, you will understand why all his friends are Democrats. “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard its spots?” The man is a RINO, don’t be fooled. If in doubt, look at who is funding his new campaign.

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