January thaw brings a perfect score on home range

Bonners Ferry Gun Club

By Kristie Campbell
Club Secretary

Bonners Ferry Gun Club
Jerry Schilling and Ron Cambell

Traditionally there always seems to be a winter thaw in January and this year did not disappoint. Temperatures rose to the high 30s. Sunday, January 28, 2024, was a foggy day to go shooting. Overall, there were only 23 shooters that came out to shoot. And with the January thaw came the first perfect score in the singles at the Bonners Ferry Gun Club.

Ron Campbell shot a 25 out of 25 to take the top shooter in the singles, followed by Bill Bustillos and Jerry Schilling with 22, rounding out the Camas Prairie (CPTA) league scores, and Amanda Myers and Mike Pruitt with a 20 to finish off the Spokesman Review League scores. As of last week, Bonners Ferry was sitting in seventh place in the S-R and 10th in the CPTA. Duke’s Claybusters were fifth in the S-R and 10th in the CPTA.

The combined weekly scoresheet for January 28 for the adult shooters is Bill Bustillos 34, Kristie Campbell 36, Melanie Campbell 27, Ron Campbell 41, Michael Compton 29, Gene Frederickson 36, Amanda Myers 34, Dean Nelson 34, Mike Pruitt 28, Charley Runnion 30, Jerry Schilling 43, and Dennis Smith 35. Jerry Schilling won the A Class and Amanda Myers took the B Class.

For the Duke’s Claybusters, Trenton Myers and Garrick Patty tied for first in singles with a 21, followed by Linus Holman with 20, and Cora Nichols with 19. The combined weekly scoresheet for the DCB is Charlotte Holman 16, Linus Holman 35, Sebastian Holman 26, Trenton Myers 38, Cora Nichols 37, Noah Nichols 31, Kelsey Noble 22 and Garrick Patty 40. Patty won the week overall.

After the league shoot, the shooters enjoyed playing Annie Oakley. Foggy conditions added an extra challenge to the adult shooters’ attempt to bring home the bacon.

For the rest of the leagues, Bonners Ferry Gun Club will be open at 10 a.m. Saturday for Youth Leagues followed by an open shoot. Sunday. The Bonners Ferry Gun Club will open at noon with league shoot followed by the Oakley Annie. Feel free to come on out and shoot with us, and don’t forget, shoot straight and keep your powder dry!