Three day Queer Pride event planned in June

PrideThe local Bonners Ferry Pride committee is excited to announce the first ever Queer Pride event in Bonners Ferry! It will be held at the Historic Pearl Theater Friday through Sunday, June 21-23.

The Gay Agenda is simply this: visibility for gay, lesbian and queer identities that were historically marginalized. People who have long been ignored, persecuted, pushed into the shadow, and killed — simply for being who they were. Its a coming together of the community, both queer and allies, to support each other with acceptance and love.

There are queer people everywhere and a local Pride event lets them know they are not alone and that they are supported by their neighbors. Please show up for each other. Love will win.

The tentative itinerary is as follows: At 6 p.m. Friday, June 21, will be the opening ceremony at with keynote speaker, followed by a dance party. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, there will be vendor booths, musical entertainment, poetry readings and more, all family friendly. Then at 8 p.m., there will be an 18+ after party with admission of $10. Sunday, June 23, will be a movie marathon.

If any business (or individual) is interested in sponsoring Bonners Ferry’s first Pride, please email