Scott Herndon voted against help for veterans

In 2023 and 2024 Scott Herndon voted against funding Idaho’s Division of Veterans Services. He was one of only nine Senators voting against veterans. This Division supports County Veteran Service Officers in helping veterans in their area obtain the benefits they need. Obviously, Herndon does not appreciate the role veterans have played in assuring the freedoms he and we enjoy.

As a veteran, I am supporting Jim Woodward, a 20-plus year U.S. Navy veteran, to replace Herndon and assure continuing support for Idaho’s veterans.

If you are a veteran, a family member of a veteran, or someone who appreciates veterans’ service, I urge you to do the same on May 21st when you vote.

Gray Henderson
Bonners Ferry

3 thoughts on “Scott Herndon voted against help for veterans

  1. The reason that Scott Herndon voted against the extra funding of Veterans Services, may be due to the fact that the county offices are already funded and in place. I am a combat veteran and I will be voting for Scott Herndon .

    Michael Perez
    Bonners Ferry

    1. First, Michael, thanks for your service.
      While the County Veteran Service Offices are funded by the various counties, it is the State Veterans Services Division that administers the four state veterans homes, the state veterans cemeteries, and generally advocates for Idaho Veterans. It is the funding of that division that Herndon voted against.

      Gray Henderson

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