Last week tough, but it had bright moments

By Mike Weland

It’s been over a week since the 9B.News website and my Facebook sites went wonky June 7, and it’s been by turns exhausting, excruciating, exhilarating, It appears that everything is back in order, and I extend a heartfelt thanks for the generous support that enabled the restoration.

It appears the “hack” on the website wasn’t targeted, but that software I was using for ad management picked up some malicious code … it was explained to me, but way beyond my understanding.

It has been a privilege and an honor to report local news in the only community I’ve known that’s given me an inkling of what “home” is, and I am humbled by how many not only donated, but expressed their appreciation.

“You are a big part of the reason I considered Bonners Ferry as new place to call home,” one woman wrote. “We were living in Colorado when I began researching our forever location. One of the most important criteria on my list was easy access to a good general aviation airport for my husband. Sandpoint was the original location under consideration, but then we found Northern Air and we were wowed by Dave Parker and his operation. So, we started thinking hard about Bonners Ferry. However, we cringed at the thought of moving to Idaho in general due to the prevailing politics. Then, while doing my research, I came across your news website and realized that there was at least one man, one voice of reason and intelligence in far north Idaho who wasn’t afraid to openly defend rational thought, equality, and kindness to others. Reading the stories you published about the local sports, the achievements of the youth in this town, and your determined support of fairness and sanity that opened my mind to the possibility that Bonners Ferry could be our next, and final, place to land. I don’t know how you do it; You persevere even though you are constantly attacked by irrational, hateful people, but I’m ever so grateful that you do.”

She and her husband have made Boundary County their home since 2018.

But the most poignant came just before dinner one day last week when a young man stopped in, said he disagreed with my politics, handed me an envelope and left.

Inside was a tract, “I am the plan of life: The Gospel of John,” a generous donation and a note.

“Mr. Weland,” it reads, “I very much disagree with your politics but believe God wants me to give you something. Being hacked seems terrible, and I appreciate you making timely news. Praying for you! ~ Isaac”

I keep that tract and Isaac’s brief note in a box atop my computer with other cards and letters of sentimental value.

Isaac, I send you special thanks. For your donation, for your prayers. For seeing beyond our differing opinions and recognizing that we are still neighbors.

For answering God’s call to give me something. For giving me hope.

One thought on “Last week tough, but it had bright moments

  1. The woman who thanked you for helping her make the decision to move to Bonners Ferry in 2018 expressed very well the feelings of so many of us. Isaac’s forthright expression of his faith while emanating Jesus Christ’s love for those with which we disagree is inspirational to me. Mike, your response to Isaac is pure Mike Weland. So glad your spiritual and mental strength have overcome your body’s weakness. That is what the best of life is all about. Love you, Brother.

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