Rough pregnancy, preemie baby put strain on young family

Leah ZiglerAshley Zigler’s first pregnancy was difficult throughout, and her daughter, Leah Sage, was born early at 34 weeks, but for both ladies the hardest hurdles are behind and they are both gaining strength slowly but surely. But the young and hardworking Bonners Ferry family is stretched terribly thin and Ashley, Travis and Leah Sage, who weighs but four pounds, would greatly appreciate the community’s love and support to help them stay on their feet. Well, mom and dad, anyway!

For most of her pregnancy, Ashley suffered preeclampsia and she is at high risk for seizures for the next several weeks. Leah remains in neonatal intensive care, on a feeding tube and with a CPAP machine helping her to breath, no telling as yet when she might be healthy enough for her first trip home to Bonners Ferry.

With the two ladies of his life confined to care in Coeur d’Alene, Travis has been driving back and forth to keep the homes fires burning so the pipes don’t freeze as well as to do his best to keep up with the family business, the auto detailing business TZ Autocare … no easy feat when doing alone what’s plenty of work for two when all you’re truly focused on is getting back to your wife and daughter’s side.

With the cost of medical care and driving back and forth, their resources are rapidly stretching exceedingly thin, and every little bit will help make a big difference.

Donations can made to their GoFundMe account. Those who would prefer can also mail checks made out to Travis Zigler in care of 9B News, 6619 Kaniksu St. Rm 19, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.