Having fun at Fiber Fest

Fiber Fest

By Clarice McK enney

During this year’s Fiber Fest, more than a dozen local crafters working in a variety of natural fibers demonstrated and taught their skills to a sizeable group of visitors at our museum Saturday, February 10.

Marsha Semar is a frequent, longtime exhibitor at the Saturday Market. Here she discusses how times have changed with a local mother and her children. Not so long ago, she said, “kids always learned to knit and crochet. Even my boys learned.”

Among the demonstrators was Kathy Konek, who demonstrated the craft of durable lace making that Americans call tatting. When organizer Gini Woodward asked for volunteers to learn to knit, Kathy said she would like to learn more about knitting. She was assured by another knitter that knitting would be easy for Kathy since she’s so skilled using the tatting shuttle to craft very intricate lace.