Perhaps Pearl Theater not as tolerant as they purport

Response added 3:01 p.m. April 4

Apparently the Pearl Theater here in Bonners Ferry isn’t as given to free speech, tolerance, diversity and respect for other viewpoints as they would present themselves o be. After posting Scripture verses in response to their advertised June pride event, I was blocked from their page.While that is certainly their prerogative to block whoever they wish, it is hypocrisy to claim that love is demonstrated by acceptance of everyone and everything, and then block those who disagree with them.

Pastor Nevin Neal
Bonners Ferry

Your comment was removed because it violated community standards. It is fine if you and your religion are opposed to some, or even all of the events that are held at The Pearl Theater. It is not necessary to use your religion to bully anyone that feels differently from you.
Our community has people with many different faiths and religious practices. We encourage people to be respectful when using social media and your comment was reported by numerous people.

The Pearl’s Facebook page is not an appropriate forum for you to use for evangelizing; you have many other forums, including your church pulpit for that.

Jessica Tingley
Pearl Board