Local voters endorsing their own a beautiful thing to see

Jim Woodward
Jim Woodward

Local endorsements are inspiring to see! Wading through information and opinions in regards to candidates and local elections, one thing that stands out is the inspiring and enthusiastic endorsements from some best people that I have had the privilege of growing up around and learning from. Please allow me to testify to the character of these people that have come out to endorse our local Bonners Ferry alumni and their contributions to our great nation and Boundary County.

My family was a transplant family moving here before my first birthday in 1979. My father, a retired 21 year veteran of the United States Air Force, along with my mother, brother, sisters, grandparents and I made ourselves part of this community. Our family-owned businesses in Eastport and Porthill, with us kids graduating from Mt. Hall Elementary and Bonners Ferry High School. I was able to grow up, learn, love, make mistakes, and hopefully give back to this community that welcomed us so long ago.

There are so many people that helped from our small community who are full of love and generosity, taught us hard work while being stern and holding us to account. These people showed us to be respectful and take time for others. While I personally have a list as long as can be from every teacher, mentor, friend, judge, principle and all of my “adopted parents” from my friends as they cared for this young man and helped him become a grown independent adult, I will focus on the ones who have spoken out in endorsement of Travis Stolley and Jim Woodward.

When I see the very people I speak of endorsing both Travis Stolley and Jim Woodward, I must take the time to listen and take note.

Mr. Brian Zimmerman:

Travis Stolley
Travis Stolley

Growing up, my beloved Grandmother was great friends with Mrs. Louis Zimmerman, Brian’s mother, and conducted music with his sister in church. I grew up with Brian’s kids, his nephews and nieces from both sides of the family. For instance watching his dedication at church in his police uniform showing us that duty is coupled with both country and God or in Boy Scouts, I remember lessons from personal safety, to personal management and him helping us to achieve our merit badge requirements. As a representative of the Idaho State Police, he was there to assist in Driver’s Education during our classroom work.

Mrs. Tracy Iverson:

As a young man trying to figure out a teenager’s path, struggling with what life had thrown me so far, she was always so encouraging, kind and respectful to where I was in life. While I never attended her class, she always had time for me and showed me how much she cared.

Mrs. Brenda Walter:

She took a wild young freshman, helped find my interests and tailor my reading lessons to make me successful. She was also so kind and respectful and willing to help.

Mr. Conrad Gardner:

This man, in my most challenging times in my high school career, kept my head up and focused. I wasn’t a wrestler, just a kid that needed some attention. From there, he has always been there to lend an ear and is always patient and respectful.

My childhood nurse and late family doctor:

As I commute to work I see that my childhood nurse who’s name I leave off because I have not talked to her, showing her support for Jim Woodward. This wonderful lady had taken care of me as our family nurse from childhood through high-school.

These are my personal experiences with these individuals throughout my life and I know I can rely on them being truthful, honest, of great moral character and whom I trust highly in their decision making abilities.

I have also been personally pulled aside by one of our retired Sheriffs, been testified to that two other retired Sheriffs all endorse Travis Stolley for their old command. When driving through the county we see signs from the driveways of current deputies also endorsing Travis as their new leader. This along with our retired police chief, multiple commanding officers and military colleges also testifying that he would be a great Sheriff make me comfortable that we will be making a grand decision to vote in and move forward with Travis Stolley as our Sheriff of Boundary County. While going to school in the 90’s I missed school classes with either of our candidates, but I do know and appreciate the opinions and valid endorsements of both Travis Stolley and Jim Woodward from people that I trust and respect more than they know.

Please encourage everyone you know to vote for both Travis Stolley and Jim Woodward to take Boundary County and District 1 into the future with hometown pride, ethics and the best interests in our local communities. Talk to your neighbors new and old, encourage them to know that our politics here are local and focused on how we can work together to remain and continue to become the great community that we have and cherish so much.

Thank you everyone that has taken the time to give your endorsements and testimonies. This has made me feel so proud to have grown up here in Boundary County. Good luck to both Travis Stolley and Jim Woodward.

Go Badgers!

Wally Nyberg
Class of ’96