Sympathy can’t overcome responsibility

By Mike Weland Publisher It’s been a long time, but people of my generation remember when assassination seemed a normal part of our political discourse. It wasn’t, never is. But […]

Independence Day: May it not be our last

By Mike Weland Publisher “Today, there is no lower court in the United States of America than its highest court,” I wrote Monday after the abhorrent decision by the U.S. […]

Betrayed by the weak

By Mike Weland Today, there is no lower court in the United States of America than its highest court. The U.S. Supreme Court of Donald J. Trump has upended the […]

Is that why it’s called pride?

By Hanna Sucsy Teascarlet Fine Arts I wasn’t necessarily “celebrating” Pride month. I hadn’t planned to go to the Pride event. Then I drove by and saw my friend McCallum […]

What is truth?

By Mike Munoz Pastor, Covenant Bible Church Thank you, Mr. Weland, for your vigorous response to Mr. Tanners post concerning the pride event at the Pearl Theater—“Open letter to the […]

An open response to Mike Weland’s rebuttal

By Steve Tanner Bonners Ferry Thank you for producing 9B News and printing letters you disagree with and not limiting open discourse, as the Herald does (one per 30 days); […]

Labrador needs a crash course on legal ethics

By Jim Jones JJ Commontater Despite what many people may think about lawyers, the legal profession sets high standards of ethical conduct for licensed lawyers. The Idaho State Bar has […]


By Clarice McKenney Ever since I was a little girl, raised in an American Baptist Church in the home of one of its ministers, my greatest experience of joy has […]

You without sin, cast the first stone

By Mike Weland Got yet another email last night alerting me to the fact that “Michelle Nevarez AKA Jamisha Nevarez, Misha Naumann, Misha Davis. Uses 9B News Article as ID. […]

Imagine if they were competent

By Mike Weland Our nation’s great divide is no longer the Rockies, a majestic mountain range separating us east from west, but instead a dark and ignoble chasm founded on […]

Fitting in or kicking pricks?

I appreciate that as of now we have the right to speak our mind. But I truly believe we do not have an “inalienable” right to our own “facts.” The […]

Reasonable people have had enough

Conservatives have been bombarded for the past 10 years with a non-stop barrage of institutional changes and demands for “rights” that break with traditions and assault common sense. The list […]

Tuesday’s election important in many ways

By Rod Gramer Every two years one hears the next election will be one of the most important ever. The truth is every election is important because it determines the […]

Voting for VanGesen, Lowmawn

I am supporting Jon VanGesen for Sheriff of Boundary County, and Chuck Lowman for District 1B. Each brings work experience for the jobs. Jon VanGesen brings many years of experience […]

The future belongs to the brave; vote wisely

“It’s morning again in America.” Forty years ago, Americans heard those words in a Ronald Reagan presidential campaign ad. Forty years later and many Republican candidates are dishing up gloom […]

Woodward, Sauter, Lowman push socialist agenda

The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest labor union and one of the largest activist groups in the U.S. It promotes abortion, same sex marriage, gun control and the […]

Power trips

By Timothy Braatz According to the website of Dave Schuman, candidate for Boundary County sheriff, he is a “member of Constitutional Peace Officers and Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs.” The “constitutional sheriffs” […]

Three candidates — one choice

I am a longtime resident of Boundary County. This letter is about the three candidates running in the Republican primary for sheriff. There are three men — Dave Schuman, Jon […]

A letter in support of Mark Sauter

This year, the Idaho legislature passed a very important bill, H596a. This bill was for Prescription Benefit Management Reform. This bill will have a positive effect on almost every single […]

Mark Sauter has proven expertise

Here in the west, the threat of catastrophic fire is always looming. We saw the grim reality last summer when hundreds of homes were torched in a matter of hours […]

Killing the Idaho Republican Party

By Mary Souza Question: How do you kill the Republican Party in one of the most conservative states? Answer: Allow the Libertarians and Anarchists to take charge and change the […]

Categories don’t capture political complexities

Conservative-liberal. Fascist-communist. These are examples of binary categories that don’t capture the true complexity of political thought that actually exists. To a fascist, Scott Herndon is liberal. But that doesn’t […]

Hate mail

By Timothy Braatz The spring climate has changed in North Idaho. Snowpack melts faster. Hummingbirds arrive sooner. And the mail brings hateful flyers from Scott Herndon. Hummingbirds are difficult to […]

Jim Woodward shows compassion

It is known in the community that Jim Woodward understands emotional distress and has experience in helping his fellow community members. When my elderly friend, Lou Goodness, tragically lost his […]

The fox is in the henhouse

Don’t be fooled by the glossy endorsements recently issued by the Bonner County Republican Central Committee (BCRCC). The clique is at it again. BCRCC is a private political committee of […]

VanGesen best qualified

I am writing this to encourage you to consider voting for Jon VanGesen for Boundary County Sheriff. I am one of the few residents of our county who has had […]

What Makes A Republican a Republican?

By Dorothy Moon IDGOP Chairwoman In Idaho, becoming a Republican is as easy as checking a box on a form, and we welcome all who support time-tested Republican values. What […]

What’s not a Republican? Dorothy Moon

By Mike Weland Publisher In her latest fantastical flight of delusional fancy, Idaho GOP chairwoman Dorothy Moon complains that it is as easy to become a Republican as checking a […]

Time to stop the real steal

This week a flyer arrived from Scott Herndon called “Stop the Steal!” In it Democrats are accused of working to return “liberal Jim Woodward” to office, along with a list […]

Herndon no friend to the farmer – Woodward is

Senator Herndon’s 2024 votes against Idaho agriculture and water are misaligned with District 1 constituents; not “Saving Idaho” as he promotes. Agriculture is Idaho’s largest industry. We’re the #1 U.S. […]

A tale of two candy stores

By Mike Weland A CNN headline today proclaims that more than 60% of voters say Joe Biden’s tenure as president has been a failure while Donald J. Trump’s four dismal […]

2024 legislative session review

By Representative Steve Berch The 2024 legislative session officially ended April 10. This newsletter reviews 66 bills from the session. That’s a lot to cover, but part of my job […]

Stolley understands unique local challenges

I am writing this letter wholeheartedly supporting Travis Stolley’s bid to be elected for the position of Sheriff in Boundary County, Idaho. Having known Travis from birth, I can confidently […]

The right person for the job

When we vote in November, we want to be able to cast our vote for someone with substance. We want to choose someone who truly believes in our constitution and […]

Voters deserve to know candidates support constitution, party platform

Every two years, the Idaho Republican Party asks primary candidates to sign the Integrity in Affiliation Form. This simply asks if candidates have read and support the Idaho State Constitution and the Idaho Republican Platform. By Dorothy Moon, with publisher’s rebuttal,

Does Herndon think we’re stupid?

In his latest scare-mongering mailer among all the other misleading assertions, Scott Herndon equates voting to form a committee to study the question of issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, […]

Pearl Theater a gem with something for everyone

I have been reading some of the negative posts on social media about the Pearl Theater in Bonner’s Ferry. I have been deeply saddened by posts slamming the dedicated volunteers […]

Vote for people, values that make Idaho Idaho

I saw a comment written in the Herald a few weeks ago “Let’s make Idaho, Idaho.” I thought about that comment long and hard. What did that mean? Historically, Idahoans […]

Sauter represents Boundary County

Mark Sauter has been our Representative for the past two years and has proven that he truly represents us. In Boundary County, he visits often and is well known and […]

Supports Schuman for sheriff

I am writing to express our support for Dave Schuman, who is running for sheriff in our county. Constitutional Commitment: Dave Schuman understands the paramount importance of upholding constitutional principles. […]

Idaho voters are now the only check on GOP extremism

By Lauren Necochea Idaho Democratic Party Chair Our branches of government are designed to provide checks and balances. When the Idaho Legislature commits overreach, cruelty, or foolishness, the governor’s veto […]

Travis cares about the community

My name is Dale Anderson, and I am a retired police officer after roughly 29 years of service. I started my law enforcement career in the Salt Lake Valley in […]

Scott Herndon voted against help for veterans

In 2023 and 2024 Scott Herndon voted against funding Idaho’s Division of Veterans Services. He was one of only nine Senators voting against veterans. This Division supports County Veteran Service […]

GOP elites stabbing radicals in the back

By Dorothy Moon IDGOP Chairwoman In 1854, Americans from all walks of life gathered in churches, schoolhouses, and community centers to build what would become the Republican Party. Our party […]

Woodward listens

When I met Jim Woodward, I asked him why I should vote for him. After all, he is an Idaho conservative. He told me he would “listen to me.” I […]

Travis Stolley will police neighborly

I support Travis Stolley for Boundary County Sheriff. In listening to the candidates and reviewing their websites, some things seem appealing on the surface, but others are deeply concerning. I […]

Enough with innuendo

In response to Mary Ollie’s recent letter, “Numbers do not statistics make,” a statement is made that out-of-state contributions to Mr. Stolley are less than four-percent and Mr. VanGesen’s are […]

Highest recommendation for Stolley

Hello citizens of Boundary County. I am writing to you regarding the election campaign of Travis Stolley for the Office of Sheriff. Though he is currently an active member of […]

Woodward serves all constituents, not narrow few

As residents of the Bonners Ferry community, we have known Jim Woodward, his wife Brenda, and their respective families for decades. Jim and Brenda are exemplary individuals in their personal […]

Saving our Republican soul

By Sandy Patano Co-founder North Idaho Republicans Former Vice Chair Idaho Republican Party Lifelong Republican This year’s May 21 primary presents not just a contest of names and faces, but […]

Numbers do not statistics make

A recent letter by Bud Franklinson caught my interest as statistics is one of my favorite subjects and an area that I’ve used throughout my career. The Idaho Secretary of […]

Interesting donation information

I recently did some research into local candidates donations using the Idaho Sunshine Database. After this research, I have a few questions: What is Boundary Educational Services Int.? This entity, […]

Calm, quiet … Stolley can be counted on


Stolley has served his country and his community

With nine years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps and four deployments during the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, Travis Stolley has served his country well. He and his family understand the […]

Let’s keep Idaho IDAHO

By Jim Woodward Candidate, Idaho Senate District 1 The My 21 primary election is six weeks away and a messaging mantra is surfacing from ultra-conservatives warning voters to Keep Idaho […]

The never-ending session

By Steve Berch Idaho Congressman A legislative session officially ends when the House and Senate each declare Sine Die, which in Latin literally means “end of day.” Legislatively, it means […]

Voting Mark Sauter

Most of us want our elected representatives to be hard-working, effective, and responsive to us, their constituents. Our current State Representative from District 1A is just that. That’s why I’m […]

The answer is Jon VanGesen

Boundary County is an amazing place that my wife and I are proud to call home. The decent people, the land and the freedom to live how we like under […]

A hateful and loathful response revisited

By Mike Weland Publisher In the wake of news last week of a three-day queer pride event this June, I was compelled by the comments to add an addendum to […]

VanGesen the only candidate with command experience

After attending the debate, reviewing the websites and Facebook Pages of the three candidates for Boundary County Sheriff, it surprised me that only one candidate has any incident command level […]

Dave Walter for precinct committeeman

I have known Dave Walter and his family my entire life. Dave is currently running for the position of Republican Committeeman for the Bonners Ferry/Kootenai Precinct and is highly qualified […]

Travis Stolley for sheriff

I am probably not much different than most when I say I’m sick of all the non-factual political propaganda circulating across our nation and even within our own community. I […]

Wants a sheriff invested in the community

I keep saying that I have zero interest in politics, but I guess that’s not totally true. With this position open for sheriff in my community, I’ve been paying a […]

Political misinformation

If you’ve recently received junk mail attacking Jim Woodward, a native of Boundary and Bonner County, brace yourself for ore as Idaho’s primary election approaches. This malicious misinformation campaign, unprecedented […]

Future of our republic hinges on elections ahead

By Mike Weland Publisher I’ve been a reporter in Boundary County, in one fashion or another, since 1991, about 33 years. When I arrived, I was welcomed almost anywhere, and […]

Help Jim take back his Senate seat

I met Jim Woodward when he was first running for office. He impressed me with his kindness and genuine interest in my thoughts and opinions. This was true even after […]

Rejecting racism and the status quo

By Jack Riggs, M.D. Idaho Lieutenant Governor, January 30, 2001 – January 6, 2003 Coeur d’Alene As President Ronald Reagan once said, “Status quo, you know, is Latin for ‘the […]

Time to ‘recall’ Herndon

Similar to the situation that recently occurred in the West Bonner school district, we need to “recall” senator Herndon for thinking he knows best how to ‘engineer’ our society. We, […]

Running out the clock

The 2024 legislative session is heading into the End Game phase. This is when bills being held hostage by the House, Senate and Governor’s office are either released or shot […]

Vote for decency, be a RINO

I’m an Independent voter who registers Republican to get decent people into state government. Jim Woodward is one of those people, and his opponent – Scott Herndon – is not. […]

Stop spending on stupid stuff

Twenty years ago, Kootenai County was a place where elected officials guarded taxpayers’ dollars like the gold in Fort Knox. We protected our public assets and knew we shouldn’t spend […]

Thank you for standing up

As a 27-year voting resident of Boundary County I can’t thank you enough for everything you do, daily, to make our community better. From the days in late ’97 when […]

Thank you for coverage, Steve Berch

As a devoted 9bNews reader, I very much appreciated you publishing Idaho District 15 Representative Steve Berch’s comprehensive summary of bills this session. Senator Herndon glosses over the mess MAGA […]

IFF losing hold but Boise wants Herndon

I am encouraged by the letters and opinions concerning the upcoming Idaho elections and the hope Jim Woodword regains office. There are many who blame “newcomers” for his loss. If […]

Give ’em an inch . . .

By Representative Steve Berch A lot has happened since my last newsletter – and there’s a lot more yet to come. As a result, this newsletter is somewhat jam-packed. The […]

Our democracy hangs in the balance

This year Idaho made another grand leap back into the dark ages. Back in 2011, our leaders closed the Republican primaries. And then last summer they decided to limit this […]

We are all in this together

Since coming here in 2017, I’ve watched this community come together to accomplish some amazing things. It’s not uncommon to see a mealtrain or “gofundme” set up for a family […]

Will we nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth?

Last weekend, around seven-percent of Idaho’s registered Republicans came together and showed their strong favor of MAGA and Donald Trump, hardly a referendum on which to base Dorothy Moon’s resounding declaration, “Idaho is Trump country.”

Voter trust eroding in Idaho

Voters need to be able to trust their elected leaders to safeguard our democratic processes. That trust is eroding in Idaho. Disturbing bills coming from the Republican supermajority threaten to undo votes of the people, make it harder for Idahoans to exercise their voting rights, gerrymander political districts, and much more.

Please plan to vote – your future and freedom depends on it!

The recent Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus revealed a very disturbing reality: over 91% of Republican voters in Kootenai County found themselves either shut out, opting out, or simply ill-informed about the event. That would be like throwing a party and inviting 100 people, but having only eight or nine attend. Statewide turnout was even lower. The State Party succeeded in their goal of restricting access.

Idaho is Trump country

By Dorothy Moon IDGOP Chairwoman Last weekend, tens of thousands of Republicans came together to select Idaho’s choice for the next President of the United States. Donald Trump overwhelmingly won […]

Attorney General Labrador has no business meddling in election security

House Bill 470 would create an “Office of Election Crimes and Security” in Raul Labrador’s office. That would certainly be a waste of taxpayer dollars. The office staff would have little to do because Idaho elections have historically been fair and honest. The Attorney General’s sidekick, Dorothy Moon, who now chairs the extremist branch of the GOP, was never able to prove her wild claims that Canadians were coming over the border to vote in Idaho elections.

Proud and grateful for community’s dedication

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to our Boundary County community for their unwavering dedication during the recent Republican Presidential Caucus. Despite adverse winter weather conditions, their commitment to […]

Woodward for Idaho Senate

The upcoming Republican primary election on May 21 is an important one for Idahoans, because whoever wins the race for the senate seat will be on the ballot in the […]

Illegal immigration threatens our nation’s foundation and future

What on Earth is going on? Recent videos show military aged young men from Africa crossing our southern border unimpeded. More than 37,000 Chinese nationals crossed our southern border illegally in 2023 alone. Debit cards of $10,000 apiece are being handed out to illegal immigrants in New York City. — By Dorothy Moon with response by the publisher

No relief for regular workers

I was happy to read in 9B News Governor Little’s announcement of a funding bill for schools in such desperate need of facilities repair and replacement. It’s House Bill 521. […]

Remember May matters

Maybe you’ve already seen the May Matters signs around the area? What the signs say is true, especially now. This May does matter. May 21 is the date for the Idaho Primary election when all 105 State Legislative positions will be decided. — By Robin Lundgren

Foresight of former legislators paying off now

Eric L.’s letter in the Herald, and those like him, are the reason Idaho’s state budget has skyrocketed. The hoards of out-of-state refugees have created a strain on resources, services […]

Idaho House GOP leaders put the ‘fun’ in dysfunction

For democracy to work, elected leaders must have the freedom to act in the best interest of their constituents. This bedrock principle is now being severely undermined by Idaho’s House GOP leadership. We’re seeing historic levels of strong-arming around votes behind closed doors and harsh punishment for dissent. — By Lauren Necochea

NI GOP — Who are we as a party?

As President’s Day weekend approaches in North Idaho, Republicans reflect on the enduring principles embodied by President Abraham Lincoln, a guiding light for Republicans since he is the very founder of our party. With Republican Lincoln Day Dinner activities in full swing across our state, this is a time for reflection for all Republicans: Who are we as a party? From North Idaho Republicans

The media and the caucus

By Brent Regan IDGOP Rules Chairman As we approach the March 2 Presidential Preference Caucus the amount of misinformation being generated by the media and talking heads is stunning. At […]

GOP caucus a preset MAGA sham

By Mike Weland Publisher No matter how it came about or what excuses they make in their attempt to sell it, the upcoming Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus is but one […]

‘Conservative’ budget another IFF sham

What’s the difference between a “conservative base budget” and a “bare-bones budget?” It depends whether the information comes from the Idaho Freedom Foundation and Scott Herndon or from traditional Idaho […]

Thank goodness Woodward isn’t an IFF lackey

As a constituent of former Idaho Senator Jim Woodward, I agree with only one thing that I read in Ms. or Mr. Fay Almond’s letter in the Bonners Ferry Herald […]

The new Idaho GOP; Old kids with new crayons

One thing about putting radicals in power … They love to make rules, even though they are bad at it and the rules invariably terrible. That’s especially true of the radicals who insist with fervor that they believe in less government, fewer rules. Who tout “True Conservative!” values. — By Mike Weland

Open complaint on property at US95 & El Paso Street, Bonners Ferry

I am logging this formal complaint requesting an enforcement action for business activities occurring on property at the southeast intersection of US95 & El Paso Street in the City of Bonners Ferry owned by Eric Lederhos and operated by Levi Falck, based upon alleged activities. — By Gerald Higgs

Fiscal malpractice

By Representative Steve Berch In December of 2019, I wrote an op-ed titled, “The Fiscal Elephant in the Room.” It detailed how the Idaho Legislature was exempting an estimated $2.5 […]

Gotta love New-Idaho-Some.

Almost 20 days at their seats as overlords of the minions, the Idaho elected elite are busy taking away what you love(d) about the state one rule at a time. Taking away local control of your library. Taking away local control of your schools. Anyone with a gun can be an armed guard…trained resource officers no longer. — By Rosane Smith

The Emperor stands before us … buck naked

Well, here we are approaching another Republican primary in North Idaho on May 21. Albeit some months off, I have been carefully watching our current freshman District 1 Senator in hopes he would faithfully act as our representative on issues that matter to District 1 citizens. — By Bob Clark

The extremist branch of Idaho’s GOP is producing a moving experience

Many people have literally been moved by the ugly performance of Idaho’s Republican extremists in recent years. That is, significant numbers of teachers, librarians, doctors and others have moved out of the Gem State to escape the false claims and oppressive legislation conjured by the dysfunctional branch of Idaho’s GOP, now presided over by Dorothy Moon. — By Jim Jones

Parents know best how to educate their children

This week, communities throughout the nation celebrated the enormous potential of school choice. Now, more than ever, students and families hunger for alternatives to the public school system. With a plethora of educational options available today, our government should champion and empower families to discover the best fit for their children, rather than confining them to an outdated system. — By Dorothy Moon

Elect Jim Woodward state senator

I’ve been a registered Republican for eight years and my husband Orrin is a Democrat — but we’re both more interested in the candidate’s character, voting record and positions on issues rather than party affiliation. Political advertising is obviously biased in favor of their own candidates — so that’s why it is important to talk to candidates in person, to separate fact from fiction. — By Jo Len Everhart

Freedom Caucus says America being invaded

America is being invaded. Since Joe Biden took office, millions of illegal migrants have crossed our southern border. This invasion is bringing crime and gang violence to Idaho and has created a pathway for deadly drugs like fentanyl to our streets. — From the Idaho Freedom Caucus

Fight or flight: Idahoans have a choice in setting the trajectory for our politics

I was 16 when I had my first transformative political experience. It was 1967 and I had been selected as an American Field Service Student. I along with 700 other US students boarded a ship headed to Europe. On arrival we all headed to our assigned countries; (destinations known, experiences to come unknown). Five of us departed to Portugal, then ruled by the dictator Antonio Salazar. — By Diana Dawson

District 1 shows clear support for Woodward

Two weeks ago, fundraising numbers for the upcoming state senate race were released to the public through the State’s campaign finance website. This information is free and easy for all to see. Based on what I was able to download, it is clear that the people of Bonner and Boundary counties support Jim Woodward over Scott Herndon. The numbers simply don’t lie. By Leah Opitz

Election law hasn’t changed

Every two years, we go to the polls and elect all 105 members of the Idaho legislature. In the May primary election, we choose a candidate within our party. In the November general election, we put the party candidates up against one another to determine who will represent our legislative district. By Shawn Keough

Herndon no champion for schools

Scott Herndon wrote an article that was published in the Reader on December 27 touting all the great things that he did for Idaho schools. He brags about his support for HB292, which tackled property tax relief and provided some funding for school infrastructure. — By Sara Trautwein

Things to think about in a cold snap

I am renting this winter in Sandpoint— too hard for me out on the mountain. My pipes froze in the rental. Sandpoint to the rescue! A plumber, an electrician, a telephone system, roads, clean water (hot and cold) … these are all basic services that could not exist without local, state and federal government. By Nancy Gerth

Another session, another library bill

By Steve Berch — We’re only seven days into the 2024 legislative session and we’re already seeing bills to ban masks, accelerate charter schools, allow concealed firearms on college campuses, make it even more difficult to terminate a pregnancy due to rape or incest, impede child protection services from doing their job, and a slew of other bills that no one is asking for when I visit voters at their door.

GOP’s putative embrace of freedom anything but

Dorothy Moon, chair of the Idaho Republican Party and stalwart of the party’s radical right MAGA wing, certainly knows the tropes that dribble down from on high in Mar-a-Lago like excrement into the pits beneath a National Park Service outhouse. What’s astonishing is how she and so many of her ilk in high GOP office can employ such tripe with straight face and nary a trace of shame. — By Mike Weland

An open letter to ITD on Three Mile traffic

I am writing to urgently address the safety concerns in the 3mile area where the current speed limit stands at 55 miles per hour. The Three Mile area is characterized by congestion, a lack of turning lanes and no frontage roads, making navigation challenging for drivers. — By Shelly Kramer

Conservative Idahoans embrace message of faith, family and freedom

The Idaho Republican Party held its 2024 Winter Meeting last weekend at Harvest Church in Meridian. I am proud to say it was one of the best run meetings I’ve ever had the pleasure of attending. The Rules and Resolutions Committees worked hard into Friday night, and their work paid off when the State Central Committee approved their reports on Saturday morning. — By Dorothy Moon

Idaho must stand for righteousness

By Steve Tanner – The State of Idaho, through her properly elected representatives, has enacted laws of late to ensure the recording of accurate vital statistics on official state documents, to limit participation in scholastic women’s sports to those certified as women at the time of their birth, to limit bathroom and locker room access to those of the same sex and to outlaw sex altering surgeries on children. Federal Courts, citing “constitutional rights,” have in each case issued stays to temporarily block the expressed will of the people of this state.

Fulcher needs to stand up for those defending Ukraine

By Jim JonesJJ Commontater Representative Russ Fulcher has failed to grasp that his repeated failure to support Ukraine in defending against Russia’s genocidal war is extremely harmful to America’s national […]

Idaho Freedom Caucus identifies propaganda we can trust

By Mike Weland – “The 2024 legislative session starts this Monday!” an Idaho Freedom Caucus email blared Saturday under the telling headline, “2024 Idaho Legislative Session: Tune Out Biased Media, Tune into Trusted Voices.” I run it not for its cackle-inducing unintended humor, but as a heads-up alert to the sensible that the silliness of the radical faction that rose unexpectedly and incompetently to power under the MAGA banner is still rampant.

Idaho’s County Clerks are not mere clerks. Let’s give them our respect

By Jim Jones – We sometimes hear Idaho’s County Clerks spoken of dismissively as mere clerks – low-level functionaries just there to carry out the orders of county commissioners. Those dismissive individuals might be surprised to learn that elected Clerks are the heart and soul of most counties in the Gem State.

Preparing for a busy session in Boise

By Mark Sauter – Happy New Year and I hope all is well with you and your families. As one of your District #1 representatives, it’s an honor to go back to Boise to ensure our voice is heard for state governance. The number one priority and duty of the Legislature is to establish and pass a balanced state budget.

What a travesty

By Rob and Clarice McKenney ~ We have been shocked to learn something from listening to former US prosecutors and other well-versed legal professionals It appears that if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes of which he is charged and even in jail, there is nothing in our legal system preventing him from running for election and, if he should win, from holding office from jail.

Idaho GOP unites for a year of success and accomplishment

By Dorothy Moon – As Chairwoman, I am so proud of what the Idaho GOP has accomplished this year. Republican legislators, elected officials, members of the State Central Committee, staff, and volunteers all pulled together to make this year a resounding success.

AG’s office flooded with tit for tat calls from Trump supporters

By Raul Labrador – This last week has seen troubling news coming from states across the country. Left-leaning courts and bureaucrats have taken it upon themselves to remove former President Trump from state presidential ballots. These are desperate attempts to prevent his election and suppress the voice of citizens to vote for their candidate of choice.

Don’t focus on labels, look at facts

By Mary Ollie – Senator Herndon’s comments on his Institute for Legislative Analysis (ILA) rankings omit a few things. However, careful readers will figure this out as nowhere in his article are the criteria for the ILA rankings mentioned and political party rather than constituents is the focus. Senator Herndon’s duties and responsibilities are to his District 1 constituents yet much of his speech is about Republicans v Democrats rather than dealing with real issues of interest to those who live in District 1.

Herndon proud to tango in lock-step with ILA

By Scott Herndon – Is the Idaho Senate actually conservative? Idaho  is a “red” state. We are dominated by Republicans. In the Idaho legislature – senate and house – we have a supermajority of Republicans. 85-percent of Idaho’s state legislators identify as Republican. In the Idaho senate, 28 of the 35 senators are Republican, which is 80-percent. But do these senators vote like Republicans?

Berch just misses out on IFF Freedom award

By Steve Berch – I didn’t plan on sending this, but … the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) attacked me on the day after Christmas. They gave me a very low score on their index and accused me of being in “opposition to conservative education policy, limited government, and fiscal restraint.” To be clear: I welcome being ranked on the opposite end of a scale that exalts ultra-extremists as the paragons of legislative virtue.

Finding hope this Christmas that Trump will prevail

By Dorothy Moon – As the year 2023 draws to a close, our nation faces uncertain times. Our place in the world is precarious as our allies are under attack and our enemies are emboldened. The economy is fragile, with prices for food, energy, and housing still rising, forcing tough decisions on millions of families. Finally, the once and perhaps future President of the United States, the leader of the opposition to the Biden regime, has been indicted and removed from ballots.

Idaho GOP on Colorado Supreme Court removing Trump from ballot

Statement by the Idaho Republican Party – Yet again, leftists in the government are directly interfering with the electoral process to obstruct the people’s will. It’s not hard to imagine that this is just the beginning. An unprecedented and alarming scenario in our nation.

The fairness doctrine, Colorado Supreme Court and the complicit

By Mike Weland: You hear it over and over in these days of political turmoil, and it’s yet another hollow cry by the radical right to negate any chance at logical, productive discourse. I’m talking about their propensity to invoke a once sacred tenet of journalism, the fairness doctrine, done away with in 1987 during the tenure of Ronald Reagan and the rise of cable.

Moon’s GOP dances to the tune of the Idaho Freedom Foundation

By Jim Jones – Dorothy Moon’s branch of the Republican Party is so entwined with the inaptly named Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) that it is hard to know who is calling the shots. Both are extremely far to the right. Both have sought to divide Idahoans by stoking fear and outrage over fake culture war issues.

Christmas at home gives college students civic opportunity

By Clarice M. McKenney – This Christmas season is a great opportunity for parents to help their college students register to vote and request absentee ballots for their college addresses. Registration and the ballot requests can be made by taking proof of student residence to the County Clerk’s office at the Courthouse downtown week days between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Then, if your student wants to help get the Open Primaries Initiative on the ’24 ballot, contact a local volunteer whom you know is collecting registered voters’ signatures.

Labrador has certainly kept his promise to be a different kind of AG

By Jim Jones – When Raul Labrador was running for Attorney General last year, he promised to be a different kind of AG and boy has he delivered on that promise. He has done things that nobody could ever have expected an Idaho AG to do. Labrador certainly made a media splash in June when he hauled off, without warning, and brought suit against his own client, the State Board of Education.