BF Gun Club, Duke’s Claybusters get time on the range

Bonners Ferry Gun Club shooters  Ron Campbell  Melanie Campbell and Dean Nelson.
Bonners Ferry Gun Club shooters Ron Campbell, Melanie Campbell and Dean Nelson.

Duke's ClaybustersShooters from the Bonners Ferry Gun Club braved a heavy snowfall today on the home range on Highway 2, and Ron Campbell took A Class, 45/50, and Dean Nelson took B Class, 37/50. So intrepid were these die hards, some stuck around to shoot a few Annie Oakley’s!

Individual scores:
Bill Bustillos, 42/50
Kristie Campbell, 34/50
Melanie Campbell, 43/50
Ron Campbell, 45/50
Michael Compton, 31/50
Gene Frederickson, 37/50
Amanda Myers, 37/50
Dean Nelson, 37/50
Mike Pruitt, 39/50
Jerry Schilling, 24/50
Dennis Smith, 34/50

Great shooting everyone!!

Bonners Ferry High School Duke’s Claybusters also got some range time this week, with Noah Nichols shooting 38 of 50 in week five league. Good shooting, Noah!

Here are individual results:
Joe Campbell, 36/50
Charlotte Holman, 15/50
Linus Holman, 34/50
Sebastian Holman, 24/50
Trenton Myers, 36/50
Cora Nichols, 37/50
Noah Nichols, 38/50
Kelsey Noble, 21/50
Garrick Patty, 38/50

Keep up the good shooting!