Spring OHV classes tentatively set

The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office will once again offer an OHV (Off-Highway Vehicle) training course for youth this spring in time for off-rod fun through the summer. Idaho State law requires any unlicensed rider to complete an Idaho Parks and Recreation OHV safety course to legally ride on Forest Service roads. Idaho law requires any operator under the age of 16 when operating on a US Forest Service Road to complete an IDPR approved OHV Safety course.

The Sheriff’s Office has several deputies who are trained instructors to be able to offer this course locally. The course, which covers riders on motorbikes, is tentatively scheduled for May 17, and lasts approximately four hours, with the possibility of another class for ATVs on May 24 if there is enough interest.

Be prepared and educate yourself before hitting the trail. Your safety, and the safety of those you choose to recreate with is paramount. For that reason, the Sheriff’s Office is offering this course free for youth between the ages of 8-17, which includes ATV, UTV and motorbike rider safety, rules of the road and ethical use.

Completion of the course will provide the young riders with the Idaho Parks and Recreation certificate allowing them to ride on any National Forest roads.

Riders must provide their own machine and appropriate safety gear for the course (minimum of helmet, protective footwear, gloves and eye protection). If you have an interest in taking this training, please contact Amanda at the Sheriff’s Office by calling (208) 267-3151, extension 217, or by email to atompkins@boundarysheriff.org. She will add you to a list to be contacted once the date for the class is confirmed.